System.MissingMethodException 方法 'System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.set_Proxy' 未找到

System.MissingMethodException Method 'System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.set_Proxy' not found

这是一个 Xamarin 解决方案,我收到了此消息标题中的错误。当然,我可以很容易地确认PCL项目中的HttpClientHandler上有一个Proxy属性。解决方案构建无误。只有当我 运行 时它才会产生这个错误(在 Droid 或 iOS 上)并且在它调用实例化 HttpClient 的 PCL 中的方法时发生。请注意,它甚至没有到达该方法。错误出现在application start-up 方法上;例如,UIApplication.Main()

如果我注释掉处理程序并在没有处理程序的情况下实例化 HttpClient,只要我在开放的互联网上,它就可以正常工作。但我正试图让它在代理后面工作。

进一步调查表明设备项目没有引用 System.Net.Http。所以我添加了这些 - 它指示 Xamarin.iOS 和 Xamarin.Android 作为包 - 但它仍然产生错误。

我不清楚错误告诉我什么,但我相信这意味着设备项目看不到 System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler?

    private HttpClient GetHttpClient()
        WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy(ProxyConfig.Url)
            Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ProxyConfig.Username, ProxyConfig.Password)

        // At runtime, when GetHttpClient is invoked, it says it cannot find the Proxy setter
        HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler
            Proxy = proxy,
            UseProxy = true,
            PreAuthenticate = true,
            UseDefaultCredentials = false,
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler);

        // This works when not behind a proxy
        //HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

        return client;

    public async Task GetWeatherAsync(double longitude, double latitude, string username)

        // MissingMethodException is thrown at this point
        var client = GetHttpClient();
        client.BaseAddress = new Uri(string.Format("{0}&lng={1}&username={2}", latitude, longitude, username));

            var response = await client.GetAsync(client.BaseAddress);
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var JsonResult = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                var weather = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WeatherResult>(JsonResult);

        catch (HttpRequestException ex)
        catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
        catch (Exception ex)

先添加Microsoft.Net.Http NuGet package to your platform project too. If you run into an issue adding this, try installing the latest Microsoft.Bcl.Build package。然后,安装之后,添加HTTP包。