XElement 多根元素

XElement multiple root elements

我有以下 XML 格式要由 XElement 创建 class


XElement rootElement = new XElement("Catalog", new XElement("Service"));//Create a root Element 

foreach (....)// Logic for multiple product element 

XElement productElement = new XElement("Product", new XAttribute("name", Obj.Product));//Read the Product
XElement variantElement = new XElement("Variant", new XAttribute("name",Obj.Variant));//Read variant
XElement skuElement = new XElement("SKU", new XAttribute("name", Obj.SKU));//Read SKU

productElement.Add(variantElement, skuElement);//Add varaint and skuvariant to product
rootElement.Add(productElement);//Add product to root element


可以看到第二个父节点一开始就出现了闭包。 我知道这条线造成了问题

XElement rootElement = new XElement("Catalog", new XElement("Service"));



Service 元素将始终为空,因为您实际上从未向其中添加任何内容,您只是创建了它。您将产品添加到 Catalog 元素,而不是将它们添加到 Service 元素。

此外,调用这些 "roots" 不是正确的术语,因为有效的 XML 文档只能有一个根(因此在这种情况下,唯一的根元素是 Catalog)。


public class Product
        public string ProductName { get; set; }

        public string VariantName { get; set; }

        public string SKU { get; set; }

    private static void CreateDoc(List<Product> list)
        XElement serviceElement = new XElement("Service");
        XElement rootElement = new XElement("Catalog", serviceElement);//Create a root Element 

        // Obviously include the foreach loop
        foreach (Product product in list)
            // Obviously replace these hardcoded string with your actual object values
            XElement productElement = new XElement("Product", new XAttribute("name", product.ProductName));//Read the Product
            XElement variantElement = new XElement("Variant", new XAttribute("name", product.VariantName));//Read variant
            XElement skuElement = new XElement("SKU", new XAttribute("name", product.SKU));//Read SKU

            productElement.Add(variantElement, skuElement);//Add varaint and skuvariant to product

            // Add product to the Service element, NOT to the root. The root is Catalog.



// Store the Service element is a variable so we can add stuff to it
XElement serviceElement = new XElement("Service");

// ...

// Add to the Service element instead of to Catalog


List<Product> list = new List<Product>
            new Product { ProductName = "SomeName", SKU = "SomeSKU", VariantName = "VariantA" },
            new Product { ProductName = "AnotherProduct", SKU = "AnotherSKU", VariantName = "VariantB" },
            new Product { ProductName = "ProductC", SKU = "SKUc", VariantName = "VariantC" }


这是结果 XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Catalog is the root element for this document -->
  <!-- Service is NOT a root element, even though it's the only child of Catalog -->
    <!-- Each Service element can have an arbitrary number of Product elements -->
    <Product name="SomeName">
      <Variant name="VariantA" />
      <SKU name="SomeSKU" />
    <Product name="AnotherProduct">
      <Variant name="VariantB" />
      <SKU name="AnotherSKU" />
    <Product name="ProductC">
      <Variant name="VariantC" />
      <SKU name="SKUc" />

另一个说明 - 在这种情况下 Service 不是 根元素(即使在这种情况下它是 Catalog 的唯一子元素)。