
VBS password protected image

我不是程序员,我需要帮助。 如何将这两个脚本合二为一? 然后我会将其转换为 EXE 并在 Tank Style pendrive 上作为礼物提供:)。

if pass="fish" then msgbox("Correct Password!") else msgbox("Incorrect Password!")

Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

With objExplorer "
    .Navigate "about:blank"
    .ToolBar = 0
    .StatusBar = 0
    .Left = 200
    .Top = 200
    .Width = 650
    .Height = 440
    .Visible = 1
    .Document.Title = "Kocham cie Maciek!"
    .Document.Body.InnerHTML = _
        "<center>Kocham cie Maciek <3<br><br><img src='http://www.crystalclearsports.net/file/2016/07/use_love_quotes_for_him_and_inspire_romantic_vitality.jpg' height=336 width=600></center>"
End With

当有人输入正确的密码时,它显示图片 1,如果密码错误则显示图片 2。


Dim MyPassword, objExplorer
MyPassword = InputBox("Enter the Password and Press 'OK' ", "Password")
MyPassword = Trim(MyPassword) 

If MyPassword = "" Then
    Msgbox "No Password is entered"
    Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    With objExplorer 
        .Navigate "about:blank"
        .ToolBar = 0
        .StatusBar = 0
        .Left = 200
        .Top = 200
        .Width = 650
        .Height = 440
        .Visible = 1
        .Document.Title = "Kocham cie Maciek!"
    End With 
    If StrComp(MyPassword, "FISH", 1) = 0 Then
        ' Correct Password
        Msgbox "The Password is Correct"
        objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "<center>Kocham cie Maciek <3<br><br><img src='http://www.crystalclearsports.net/file/2016/07/use_love_quotes_for_him_and_inspire_romantic_vitality.jpg' height=336 width=600></center>'" 
        Msgbox "Incorrect Password"
        objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "<center>Kocham cie Maciek <3<br><br><img src='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' height=336 width=600></center>'" 
    End If
End if 

您错过了第二张图片,请使用您想要显示的第二张图片的位置更新 XXXX!!