PhpDocs:可以在参数描述中使用 link 方法吗?

PhpDocs: Possible to link method in parameter description?

是否可以link到另一个method/class/property/etc。在我的项目内联 @deprecated 标签内?像这样:

 * Method description
 * @deprecated 1.0 Reason for deprecation, use {@link newMethod()} instead!
 * @param string $str
 * @param string|null $str2
 * @return bool
public function method($str, $str2) {
    // TODO: Code...



根据,您可以为此使用 @see 标签。

 * @see Documentation of Foo.
 * @see MyClass::$items           For the property whose items are counted.
 * @see MyClass::setItems()       To set the items for this collection.
 * @return integer Indicates the number of items.
function count()

此外, recommends to use @see in case of a @deprecated method

It is RECOMMENDED (but not required) to provide an additional description stating why the associated element is deprecated. If it is superceded by another method it is RECOMMENDED to add a @see tag in the same PHPDoc pointing to the new element.