如何知道 cdh 5.10 什么时候出来

how to know when cdh 5.10 will come out

有谁知道如何找到 CDH 的所有服务和组件的 Cloudera 路线图?我可以在这里看到 https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/release-notes/topics/impala_incompatible_changes.html#incompatible_changes_28x a lot of stuff about Impala w.r.t. to CDH 5.10 and I can see in the repository https://repository.cloudera.com/cloudera/cloudera-repos/com/cloudera/cdh/cdh-root/5.10.0-SNAPSHOT/ that CDH 5.10 had additions on Nov 28. How can I find when CDH 5.10 will be released or when it is planned to be released, the next minor version the same thing, etc. But they don't talk about it in the official notes here http://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/release-notes/topics/rn_consolidated_pcm.html。我希望网上某处对此有一些见解?

Cloudera 大约每 3 个月发布一个新的 CDH 5.X.0。通过查看以前版本的发布日期,您可以清楚地知道下一个发布的时间。

根据 http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/parcels/,CDH 5.9.0 于 10 月 21 日发布。所以我预计 2017 年 1 月底的 5.10。