使用 "Cancel" 或 "X-button" 退出用户窗体时禁用 _Exit 事件

Disable _Exit event when quitting userform using "Cancel" or "X-button"


Private Sub CmboxModifyRoute_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

UserValue = CmboxModifyRoute.Value
counter = 0
Cell = Range("C15").Value

If UserValue = "" Then Exit Sub

Do While (counter < 35 And Cell <> UserValue) 'checking if UserValue is valid
    counter = counter + 1
    Cell = Range("C15").Offset(counter, 0).Value

If counter > 34 Then 'if invalid, then display message box
    MsgBox "Invalid", vbExclamation
End If

End Sub

当我使用 "X" 按钮或 "Cancel" 按钮退出用户表单时出现问题。如果 UserValue 无效,在我退出用户窗体后它仍然显示 "Invalid" 消息框。我不想要它,我只想卸载用户表单。我该如何处理?非常感谢!


If Me.Visible And counter > 34 Then 
    MsgBox "Invalid", vbExclamation
End If


数据验证应该在组合框的 BeforeUpdate 事件中进行。 Before Update 不会在用户表单的 Terminate 事件之前触发。将 UserForm_TerminateCmboxModifyRoute_BeforeUpdate 事件添加到您的代码中,在每个声明上设置断点,并在调试模式下观察事件发生的顺序。

Private Sub CmboxModifyRoute_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    'data validation goes here
    'doesn't fire when the form is closed
End Sub

Private Sub CmboxModifyRoute_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    'this triggers before Terminate
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()

End Sub