如果 bitbucket 中的 master 和 branch 都发生了变化,合并时会发生什么

what will happen when merge, if both master and branch has changed in bitbucket

我在本地机器上有一个来自 master 的分支。我知道如何 merge 掌握回购协议。但问题是这个。


What will happen at this situation.


到这个阶段就成功了。然后我尝试使用以下命令推送(几分钟前,另一位开发人员已推送到 master)


! [rejected]        master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@bitbucket.org:abcdef/cups.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.


  1. 我应该在合并步骤后得到一个pull然后推送(在这个阶段如果我得到一个拉,会发生什么。)还是
  2. 我是否必须做 git stash 之类的事情,然后 push 之类的事情。


您需要将对方推送的作品取回并在本地集成后才能推送。 您可以直接执行 "git pull",或者更好地执行 "git fetch",然后执行 "git merge" 或 "git rebase"。 fetch 的优点是允许您查看其他用户推送了哪些提交。然后您可以决定进行合并或变基。 rebase 的优点是生成 "cleaner" 树。


您需要 Pull remote/master(以获取所有远程更改),然后您才能推送本地更改。

  1. 说,当你拉取 remote/master 时有 2 次提交 (A, B)

    remote/master: A -> B
    local/master:  A -> B
  2. 然后其他开发人员将提交 P 推送到 master

    remote/master: A -> B -> P
    local/master:  A -> B
  3. 然后你在你的分支中提交了 X(比如,feature

    remote/master: A -> B -> P
    local/master:  A -> B
    local/feature: A -> B -> X
  4. 现在将您的 featurelocal/master

    remote/master: A -> B -> P
    local/master:  A -> B -> X
    local/feature: A -> B -> X
  5. 现在您必须拉取 remote/master 以将 remote/master 的所有提交提取到 local/master.

    remote/master: A -> B -> P
    local/master:  A -> B -> P -> X    # now local/master has P (sync with remote/master)
    local/feature: A -> B -> X  
  6. 将您的local/master推送到远程

    remote/master: A -> B -> P -> X
    local/master:  A -> B -> P -> X
    local/feature: A -> B -> X