Roxygen2 文档依赖函数

Roxygen2 document dependency of a function


#' @title Downloads stuff from that place
#' @details Maybe document the dependency here?
#' @param stuff Thing to be downloaded
#' @param save_to Where to place the thing
#' @return Nothing. Called for its side effect

download_stuff = function(stuff, save_to) {

    require('RCurl')               # How do document this?

    # thing = download stuff using RCurl
    # write thing to save_to

我最终使用了 this post 中所示的想法,并写下了以下内容:

#'@section Dependencies: 
#'  \describe {
#'    \item{package_1}
#'    \item{package_2}
#'    \item{package_n}
#'  }