F# 方法 returns null 而不是 Option

F# method returns null instead of Option

我在 VS2015 上开发 F# 应用程序 .net 4.6.1。我有方法:

type CommonHelper = 
    static member SideEffectOnNull act x = if x = null then act(); x else x
    static member SideEffectOnNotNull act x = if x <> null then act(); x else x


    static member GetPerformanceCounter ( fname: CounterFullName ) = 

        let getCounterInternal ( counterFullName: CounterFullName ) =
            Log.Information("Getting counter: {category}\{name}\{instance} ",  counterFullName.Category, counterFullName.Name, counterFullName.Instance)
            let receivedCategory = PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories().FirstOrDefault( fun x -> String.Equals( x.CategoryName, counterFullName.Category.Category, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
            if receivedCategory = null  then
                Serilog.Log.Warning ( "Category not found: {category}", counterFullName.Category ); null
                let receivedCounters = PerforrmanceCounterProxy.GetPerformanceCountersFromCategoryOrNull counterFullName.Instance receivedCategory
                if receivedCounters = null then 
                    Log.Warning ("Instance not found {name}(instance: {instance}) in category {category}", counterFullName.Name, counterFullName.Instance, counterFullName.Category); null
                    receivedCounters.FirstOrDefault( fun y -> String.Equals( y.CounterName, counterFullName.Name.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) 
                    |> CommonHelper.SideEffectOnNull ( fun unit -> Log.Warning ("Name {name}(instance: {instance}) not found for category {category}", counterFullName.Name, counterFullName.Instance, counterFullName.Category) )

        getCounterInternal fname
        |> CommonHelper.SideEffectOnNull (fun unit ->Log.Warning( "Getting counter failed: {category}\{name}\{instance}", fname.Category, fname.Name, fname.Instance )) 
        |> CommonHelper.SideEffectOnNotNull (fun unit ->Log.Information( "Getting Counter secceed: {category}\{name}\{instance}", fname.Category, fname.Name, fname.Instance ))
        |> (fun x -> if x = null then None else Option.Some(x)) 

但是当我调用此方法时,我收到 null 而不是 option 我做错了什么?

在 F# 中,可以在运行时用 null 常量表示 DU 的一个无数据值。您可以指示编译器使用 CompilationRepresentationFlags.UseNullAsTrueValue:

type A = B | C of int

printfn "%A" (obj.ReferenceEquals( B, null ))  // will print "true"

在上面的代码中,DU 值 B 被编译为 null。有时这对于优化目的很有好处:我不是每次都分配一个实例,而是使用一个常量。如果该值被大量使用,会有帮助。

所以 Option 类型对 None 情况使用相同的技术,这就是 None 在调试器中显示为 null 的原因。

总有一天,调试器将有适当的扩展点来实现此功能和其他 F# 功能。在那之前,调试器会说 C#,而你可以进行翻译。