多行 JCL IF 语句

JCL IF statement on multiple lines

执行此作业时出现 JCL 错误。

// IF &O = O AND                              
//       (&GEG = SD.SD.SYNC.DB2.LBER OR       
//        &GEG = SD.LA.SYNC.DB2.LBER OR       
//        &GEG = SD.TW.SYNC.DB2.LBER)         

未找到预期的延续。当我在 IF 的每一行后键入“+”时,总长度大于 80,这也会带来问题。请帮助我:)

根据 the z/OS MVS JCL syntax reference:

//[name] IF  [(]relational-expression[)] THEN   [comments]
    .    action when relational-expression is true
//[name] ELSE   [comments]
    .    action when relational-expression is false
//[name] ENDIF   [comments]

The IF statement consists of the characters // in columns 1 and 2 and the five fields: name, operation (IF), the relational-expression, the characters THEN, and comments. The relational-expression can be enclosed in parentheses.

The ELSE statement consists of the characters // in columns 1 and 2 and the three fields: name, operation (ELSE), and comments.

The ENDIF statement consists of the characters // in columns 1 and 2 and the three fields: name, operation (ENDIF), and comments.

您的 JCL 丢失了 THEN

我们不得不创建另一个解决方案。正如 Bill Woodger 之前所说:您只能在 JCL 中测试数字。谢谢大家的帮助。