为什么 SimpleXML 不反序列化属性?

Why won't the SimpleXML deserialize Attribute?

我正在使用 UPnP 设备,它公开了我想要访问的服务。我正在使用 SimpleXML 来编组数据。到目前为止一切顺利,只是现在我又卡住了。

给定 下面的 XML:

<DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
    <item id="123456" parentID="1" restricted="1">
        <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:video/mpeg:*">http://stream_resource/media/index.m3u8</res>
        <upnp:callSign>My Call Sign here</upnp:callSign>
        <dc:title>My Title Here</dc:title>

我有以下 POJO:


@Root(name = "DIDL-Lite")
        @Namespace(reference = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"),
        @Namespace(reference = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/", prefix = "upnp"),
        @Namespace(reference = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", prefix = "dc")
public class ResultObject {

  @ElementList(name = "item")
  private List<ObjectItem> listItems;


@Root(name = "item")
public class ObjectItem {

  @Attribute(name = "id")
  private String id;

  @Attribute(name = "parentID")
  private String parentID;

  @Attribute(name = "restricted")
  private String restricted;

  @Element(name = "res")//something appears to be wrong here ! this element is not actually parsed ?
  private ResourceInfo resInfo;

  @Element(name = "callSign")
  private String callSign;

  @Element(name = "class")
  private String upnpClass;

  @Element(name = "title")
  private String dcTitle;


@Root(name = "res")
public class ResourceInfo {

  @Attribute(name = "protocolInfo")
  private String protocolInfo;

这是我得到的解析错误:W/System.错误:org.simpleframework.xml.core.AttributeException:属性'protocolInfo'在class xx.yyy.ObjectItem 在第 1 行。

经过一些挖掘,我尝试将该值反序列化为 ElementMap,如下所示:


@Root(name = "item")
public class ObjectItem {

  @Attribute(name = "id")
  private String id;

  @Attribute(name = "parentID")
  private String parentID;

  @Attribute(name = "restricted")
  private String restricted;

  @ElementMap(entry = "res", key = "protocolInfo", attribute = true, inline = true)
  //so what is actually going on here?
  private Map<String, String> elementMap;

  @Element(name = "callSign")
  private String callSign;

  @Element(name = "class")
  private String upnpClass;

  @Element(name = "title")
  private String dcTitle;

仍然收到 解析错误。


问题不在 ObjectItem 中,而是 ObjectItem 如何存储在 ResultObject 中。

List<ObjectItem> listItems; 上使用 @ElementList(name = "item", inline = true) 而不是 @ElementList(name = "item")

或者在这种情况下只需要 @ElementList(inline = true) 名称。



@ElementList(inline = true)