Scala/Swing - 响应同时发生的多个关键事件

Scala/Swing - Responding to multiple key events that are happening at the same time

我想弄清楚如何让 Scala Swing 对同时发生的多个关键事件做出反应。我知道 Swing 如何检测按下的一个键,但是例如它如何检测是否同时按下两个键?注:无Java经验


reactions += {
          //case KeyPressed(_, Key.Space && Key.Up, _, _)
              //label.text = "Space and Up are down"
            case KeyPressed(_, Key.Space, _, _) =>
                label.text = "Space is down"
            case KeyPressed(_, Key.Up, _, _) =>
                label.text = "Up is down"




var pressedKeys = Buffer[Key.Value]()


 reactions += {
            case KeyPressed(_, key, _, _) =>
                pressedKeys += key
                if(pressedKeys contains Key.Space){ //Do if Space
                  label.text = "Space is down"
                  if(pressedKeys contains Key.Up) //Do if Space and Up
                    label.text = "Space and Up are down"
                }else if(pressedKeys contains Key.Up)//Do if Up
                  label.text = "Up is down"


            case KeyReleased(_, key, _, _) =>
                    pressedKeys = Buffer[Key.Value]()
                    /* I tried only to remove the last key with 
                     * pressedKeys -= key, but ended up working
                     *badly, because in many occasions the program
                     *did not remove the key*/