如何检查 R 中一段代码所花费的时间

How to check the time taken by a chunk of code in R

我想查看一段代码所用的时间。有什么办法可以做到 this.I 想知道我的一小部分代码所花费的所有时间,例如 (user, system, and elapsed)。 说我的代码有不同的段

code 1...... ........... ...........

code2......... ............... ...............

所以我想要 code 1 花费的时间。谢谢


system.time({ code chunk })


ptm <- proc.time() ##时钟开始然后结束

proc.time()-ptm ##时钟结束。

该分析称为 'profiling',described here in the Writing R Extensions manual as well as in Hadley's adv-R book. My website also has a few (older) presentations covering this as part of introductions to High-Performance Computing, and the CRAN Task View on High-Performance Computing 列出了该区域的工具。