Alloy:一个紧凑的 Java 程序,用于执行不同的 运行 命令范围

Alloy: a compact Java program to perform different run command scopes

假设我想创建一个 Java 程序来执行多个 Alloy 运行,为每个循环更改它们的范围值(从 0 到 9 的整数),以检查哪个将要运行找到一个花费更少时间的解决方案。

请注意,命令实际上是相同的,我的意思是,只有范围的值(以及保留字“exactly”的 presence/absence)会有所不同。


1st run → command: run MyPred for 3 but 5 Int, exactly 1 Sig_Scope1, 1 Sig_Scope2, exactly 1 Sig_Scope3
2nd run → command: run MyPred for 4 but 5 Int, 2 Sig_Scope1, exactly 2 Sig_Scope2, exactly 2 Sig_Scope3
3rd run → command: run MyPred for 4 but 5 Int, 2 Sig_Scope1, exactly 1 Sig_Scope2, 1 Sig_Scope3


10th run → command: run MyPred for 4 but 5 Int, 0 Sig_Scope1, exactly 2 Sig_Scope2, 0 Sig_Scope3


1st run. Found solution: Yes. Spent time: 17 seconds
2nd run. Found solution: No. Spent time: [it may take a time until the Alloy analyzer is going to return no solution]
3nd run. Found solution: No. Spent time: [it may take a time until the Alloy analyzer is going to return no solution]
9th run. Found solution: Yes. Spent time: 21 seconds
10th run. Found solution: Yes. Spent time: 10 seconds


A4Reporter rep = new A4Reporter() {...}
Module world = CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(rep, null, filename); //reading Alloy filename.
A4Options options = new A4Options(); //Analyzer’s options.
Command command: world.getAllCommands(); //I’am looking for Alloy’s ‘run’ commands, for instance, the first run command would be: run MyPred for 3 but 3 Int, exactly 1 Sig_Scope1, 1 Sig_Scope2, exactly 1 Sig_Scope3
Int max_number_of_runs = 10;
for(i = 0; i < max_number_of_runs; i++) {
    A4Solution ans = TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(rep, world.getAllReachableSigs(), command, options); //get all Signatures, fine :)
    System.out.println(ans); //printing the whole command.
    if (ans.satisfiable()) {
        //How can I get the amount of time (in seconds) to found a solution as an integer or String?
        //Getting the label of the Sigs. I have got this way, however I do not know if it is the right one.
        SafeList<Sig> sigs = ans.getAllReachableSigs();
            for (Sig sig : sigs) {
        //For each Sig how can I get their values?
        //How can I build a new command (Command new_built_command) for the next run? The values of scope Sig will come from a list or they will be generated through Java Random class (I mean a know how to generate random integers).
        command = new_built_command;
    } else {
        //A message that the current command did not find a solution as a String!


How can I build a new command

可以看到ExampleUsingTheAPI for an example of using the Alloy API for constructing Alloy models. Using that API you can programmatically construct a Command to run. Alternatively, you can start with an Alloy model in a text form, parse it using CompUtil.parseEverything_fromString,然后在原来的Alloy模型上做一个字符串查找替换更新命令,从头再来

For each Sig how can I get their values?

参见 ExampleCompilingFromSource,第 44 行。基本上,一旦获得 A4Solution 对象,就可以对其调用 eval 方法来根据找到的解决方案评估任何表达式(如果你传递一个 Sig 对象,你将在解决方案中获得它的值。

How can I get the amount of time (in seconds) to found a solution as an integer or String?

我不确定 A4Solution 是否包含任何有关解决时间的信息,因此在那种情况下,您必须自己测量时间。