Linux 内核如何处理隐藏文件?

How does Linux Kernel treat hidden files?

"Hidden files" 是名称前缀为 . 的文件,例如/home/pxf/ 是一个不可见文件,'ls' 不会列出它。

Linux内核有"hidden file"的概念吗?我的意思是 "regular files""hidden files" 之间有区别吗?

或者只是常规规则,前缀为 . 的文件将不会默认显示,例如 ls。 (除了 -a 选项)?

参见维基百科:Hidden file and hidden directory

They are not a security mechanism because access is not restricted - usually the intent is simply not "clutter" the display of the contents of a directory listing with files the user did not directly create.
