为什么我需要在 Applozic Chat 中手动点击 'Refresh'?

Why do I need manually tap 'Refresh' in Applozic Chat?

我有 运行 来自 https://github.com/AppLozic/Applozic-Android-SDK 的 Applozic 示例聊天,但该示例似乎不提供实时同步,需要手动刷新才能接收新消息。谁能帮忙实时同步一下?

Applozic sample chat project we have setup for FCM, if applicationKey is changed then you have to create new project in Firebase console with same project package as a sample chat project and replace with new google-services.json and then from cloud messaging tab in firebase console you have get the legacy server and update that in Applozic 仪表板中推送通知选项卡的编辑操作部分下