在 LinkedList 中实现队列
Implementing a queue in LinkedList
一道作业题,老师要我在LinkedList中实现栈和队列。我使堆栈 class 没问题,但是队列部分是我遇到的问题。
这是我的 ListNode Class:
class ListNode(object):
def __init__(self, item = None, link = None):
'''creates a ListNode with the specified data value and link
post: creates a ListNode with the specified data value and link'''
self.item = item
self.link = link
这是标记为 'Palindrome' 的代码,它基本上测试了我的堆栈(已经完成)和我的队列(我遇到了问题)。
from MyQueue import Queue
from MyStack import Stack
import string
def isPalindrome(phrase):
forward = Queue()
reverse = Stack()
extractLetters(phrase, forward, reverse)
return sameSequence(forward, reverse)
def extractLetters(phrase, q, s):
for ch in phrase:
if ch.isalpha():
ch = ch.lower()
def sameSequence(q, s):
while q.size() > 0:
ch1 = q.dequeue()
ch2 = s.pop()
if ch1 != ch2:
return False
return True
现在这是我的队列 class,我知道我需要先弹出添加到列表中的第一个东西,但我该怎么做呢?在我的代码中,我正在弹出 self.head 这是列表中最近添加的(如堆栈)我需要做什么才能从头删除? PS。问题出在出列中。
这是我的队列 class:
from ListNode import ListNode
class Queue:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
def size(self):
'''return number of items in the queue
pre: none
post: returns number of items in the queue'''
return self.size
def enqueue(self, item):
'''insert x at end of queue
pre: none
post: x is added to the queue'''
tempNode = ListNode(item)
tempNode.link = self.head
self.head = tempNode
def front(self):
'''return first item in queue
pre: queue is not empty; IndexError is raised if empty
post: returns first item in the queue'''
return self.head[0]
def dequeue(self):
'''remove and return first item in queue
pre: queue is not empty; IndexError is raised if empty
post: removes and returns first item in the queue'''
if self.emptyList():
raise IndexError("The list is empty so we cannot pop from it.")
tempNode = self.head(0)
self.head = self.head.link
return tempNode
def emptyList(self):
return self.head == None
def size(self):
'''post: returns the number of elements in the stack'''
return len('a')
一道作业题,老师要我在LinkedList中实现栈和队列。我使堆栈 class 没问题,但是队列部分是我遇到的问题。
这是我的 ListNode Class:
class ListNode(object):
def __init__(self, item = None, link = None):
'''creates a ListNode with the specified data value and link
post: creates a ListNode with the specified data value and link'''
self.item = item
self.link = link
这是标记为 'Palindrome' 的代码,它基本上测试了我的堆栈(已经完成)和我的队列(我遇到了问题)。
from MyQueue import Queue
from MyStack import Stack
import string
def isPalindrome(phrase):
forward = Queue()
reverse = Stack()
extractLetters(phrase, forward, reverse)
return sameSequence(forward, reverse)
def extractLetters(phrase, q, s):
for ch in phrase:
if ch.isalpha():
ch = ch.lower()
def sameSequence(q, s):
while q.size() > 0:
ch1 = q.dequeue()
ch2 = s.pop()
if ch1 != ch2:
return False
return True
现在这是我的队列 class,我知道我需要先弹出添加到列表中的第一个东西,但我该怎么做呢?在我的代码中,我正在弹出 self.head 这是列表中最近添加的(如堆栈)我需要做什么才能从头删除? PS。问题出在出列中。
这是我的队列 class:
from ListNode import ListNode
class Queue:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
def size(self):
'''return number of items in the queue
pre: none
post: returns number of items in the queue'''
return self.size
def enqueue(self, item):
'''insert x at end of queue
pre: none
post: x is added to the queue'''
tempNode = ListNode(item)
tempNode.link = self.head
self.head = tempNode
def front(self):
'''return first item in queue
pre: queue is not empty; IndexError is raised if empty
post: returns first item in the queue'''
return self.head[0]
def dequeue(self):
'''remove and return first item in queue
pre: queue is not empty; IndexError is raised if empty
post: removes and returns first item in the queue'''
if self.emptyList():
raise IndexError("The list is empty so we cannot pop from it.")
tempNode = self.head(0)
self.head = self.head.link
return tempNode
def emptyList(self):
return self.head == None
def size(self):
'''post: returns the number of elements in the stack'''
return len('a')