验证用户已使用 AWS IOS SDK 进行身份验证

Verifying user is authenticated using AWS IOS SDK

我创建了一个执行以下操作的 lamdba 函数:

var param =
    IdentityPoolId: "us-east-1:the-full-identity-id",
    Logins: {} // To have provider name in a variable
param.Logins["com.test.website.login"] = userIdICreatedAndStoredInDynamoDB;

function(err, data)
    if (err) return fn(err); // an error occurred
    else fn(null, data.IdentityId, data.Token); // successful response

它 returns 该用户的 identityId 和令牌。一切都使用 IAM 角色和 AWS Cognito Identity 进行设置,并且似乎正在控制台中进行身份验证。


  1. 如何在应用程序中测试用户是否已通过身份验证?我将 identityId 和 token 保存在应用设备中。
  2. 身份验证持续多长时间?我希望用户保持登录状态。这就是我使用的大多数应用程序的工作方式,并在他们点击注销之前一直保持登录状态。


要测试他们是否已登录,您需要设置一项服务来根据 Cognito 检查令牌。快速而肮脏的方法是设置一个基本的 lambda,通过 API 网关公开它,授权者指向您的用户身份池。 lambda 需要做的就是 return HTTP 200,因为您真正检查的是授权方。然后让你的应用 get/post/etc 到 API URL w/ header of "Authorization":$ACCESS_TOKEN。要么它会在成功时返回 200,要么它会 return 一条未经授权的消息。

您的 Cognito 令牌只能使用一个小时,但您可以刷新令牌以保持用户登录状态。当您的用户通过身份验证时,他们会获得三个令牌:ID、访问和刷新令牌。您可以使用后者来请求新的访问令牌。



How do I test in the app that the user is authenticated? I save the identityId and token in the app device.


创建新函数时可以在Lambda Example Functions中找到的AWS示例函数 (如果过滤到 NodeJS 4.3 函数,它在后面)

或者你可以看看 THIS 是一样的,只是在 GitHub 上。


"use strict";

    codes  = {
        100: "Continue", 101: "Switching Protocols", 102: "Processing",
        200: "OK", 201: "Created", 202: "Accepted", 203: "Non-Authoritative Information", 204: "No Content", 205: "Reset Content", 206: "Partial Content", 207: "Multi-Status", 208: "Already Reported", 226: "IM Used",
        300: "Multiple Choices", 301: "Moved Permanently", 302: "Found", 303: "See Other", 304: "Not Modified", 305: "Use Proxy", 307: "Temporary Redirect", 308: "Permanent Redirect",
        400: "Bad Request", 401: "Unauthorized", 402: "Payment Required", 403: "Forbidden", 404: "Not Found", 405: "Method Not Allowed", 406: "Not Acceptable", 407: "Proxy Authentication Required", 408: "Request Timeout", 409: "Conflict", 410: "Gone", 411: "Length Required", 412: "Precondition Failed", 413: "Payload Too Large", 414: "URI Too Long",
        415: "Unsupported Media Type", 416: "Range Not Satisfiable", 417: "Expectation Failed", 418: "I'm a teapot", 421: "Misdirected Request", 422: "Unprocessable Entity", 423: "Locked", 424: "Failed Dependency", 425: "Unordered Collection", 426: "Upgrade Required", 428: "Precondition Required", 429: "Too Many Requests", 431: "Request Header Fields Too Large", 451: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons",
        500: "Internal Server Error", 501: "Not Implemented", 502: "Bad Gateway", 503: "Service Unavailable", 504: "Gateway Timeout", 505: "HTTP Version Not Supported", 506: "Variant Also Negotiates", 507: "Insufficient Storage", 508: "Loop Detected", 509: "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded", 510: "Not Extended", 511: "Network Authentication Required"
    resp   = ( statusCode, data ) => ( { statusCode, message: codes[ statusCode ], data } ),
    AWS    = require( "aws-sdk" ),
    crypto = require( "crypto" ),
    COG    = new AWS.CognitoIdentity(),
    token  = {
        algorithm: "aes-256-ctr",
        encrypt: item => {
            item = JSON.stringify( item );
            let cipher = crypto.createCipher( token.algorithm, process.env.PoolId ),
                crypted = cipher.update( item, 'utf8', 'base64' );
            crypted += cipher.final( 'base64' );
            return crypted;
        decrypt: item => {
            let decipher = crypto.createDecipher( token.algorithm, process.env.PoolId ),
                dec = decipher.update( item, 'base64', 'utf8' );
            dec += decipher.final( 'utf8' );
            return dec;

function AuthPolicy( principal, awsAccountId, apiOptions ) {
    this.awsAccountId = awsAccountId;
    this.principalId = principal;
    this.version = '2012-10-17';
    this.pathRegex = new RegExp( '^[/.a-zA-Z0-9-\*]+$' );
    this.allowMethods = [];
    this.denyMethods = [];

    if( !apiOptions || !apiOptions.restApiId ) this.restApiId = '*';
    else this.restApiId = apiOptions.restApiId;
    if( !apiOptions || !apiOptions.region ) this.region = '*';
    else this.region = apiOptions.region;
    if( !apiOptions || !apiOptions.stage ) this.stage = '*';
    else this.stage = apiOptions.stage;

AuthPolicy.HttpVerb = {
    GET: 'GET',
    POST: 'POST',
    PUT: 'PUT',
    HEAD: 'HEAD',
    ALL: '*',

AuthPolicy.prototype = ( function AuthPolicyClass() {

    function addMethod( effect, verb, resource, conditions ) {
        if( verb !== '*' && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( AuthPolicy.HttpVerb, verb ) ) {
            throw new Error( `Invalid HTTP verb ${verb}. Allowed verbs in AuthPolicy.HttpVerb` );

        if( !this.pathRegex.test( resource ) )
            throw new Error( `Invalid resource path: ${resource}. Path should match ${this.pathRegex}` );

        let cleanedResource = resource;
        if( resource.substring( 0, 1 ) === '/' )
            cleanedResource = resource.substring( 1, resource.length );
        const resourceArn = `arn:aws:execute-api:${this.region}:${this.awsAccountId}:${this.restApiId}/${this.stage}/${verb}/${cleanedResource}`;

        if( effect.toLowerCase() === 'allow' )
            this.allowMethods.push( {
            } );
        else if( effect.toLowerCase() === 'deny' )
            this.denyMethods.push( {
            } );
    function getEmptyStatement( effect ) {
        const statement = {};
        statement.Action = 'execute-api:Invoke';
        statement.Effect = effect.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + effect.substring( 1, effect.length ).toLowerCase();
        statement.Resource = [];

        return statement;
    function getStatementsForEffect( effect, methods ) {
        const statements = [];

        if( methods.length > 0 ) {
            const statement = getEmptyStatement( effect );

            for( let i = 0; i < methods.length; i++ ) {
                const curMethod = methods[ i ];
                if( curMethod.conditions === null || curMethod.conditions.length === 0 )
                    statement.Resource.push( curMethod.resourceArn );
                else {
                    const conditionalStatement = getEmptyStatement( effect );
                    conditionalStatement.Resource.push( curMethod.resourceArn );
                    conditionalStatement.Condition = curMethod.conditions;
                    statements.push( conditionalStatement );

            if( statement.Resource !== null && statement.Resource.length > 0 )
                statements.push( statement );
        return statements;

    return {
        constructor: AuthPolicy,
        allowAllMethods() {
            addMethod.call( this, 'allow', '*', '*', null );
        denyAllMethods() {
            addMethod.call( this, 'deny', '*', '*', null );
        allowMethod( verb, resource ) {
            addMethod.call( this, 'allow', verb, resource, null );
        denyMethod( verb, resource ) {
            addMethod.call( this, 'deny', verb, resource, null );
        allowMethodWithConditions( verb, resource, conditions ) {
            addMethod.call( this, 'allow', verb, resource, conditions );
        denyMethodWithConditions( verb, resource, conditions ) {
            addMethod.call( this, 'deny', verb, resource, conditions );
        build() {
            if( ( !this.allowMethods || this.allowMethods.length === 0 ) &&
                ( !this.denyMethods || this.denyMethods.length === 0 ) )
                throw new Error( 'No statements defined for the policy' );

            const policy = {}, doc = {};
            policy.principalId = this.principalId;

            doc.Version = this.version;
            doc.Statement = [];
            doc.Statement = doc.Statement.concat( getStatementsForEffect.call( this, 'Allow', this.allowMethods ) );
            doc.Statement = doc.Statement.concat( getStatementsForEffect.call( this, 'Deny', this.denyMethods ) );

            policy.policyDocument = doc;

            return policy;
} () );

exports.handler = ( event, context, cb ) => {
        principalId      = process.env.principalId,
        tmp              = event.methodArn.split( ':' ),
        apiGatewayArnTmp = tmp[ 5 ].split( '/' ),
        awsAccountId     = tmp[ 4 ],
        apiOptions       = {
            region: tmp[ 3 ],
            restApiId: apiGatewayArnTmp[ 0 ],
            stage: apiGatewayArnTmp[ 1 ]
        policy = new AuthPolicy( principalId, awsAccountId, apiOptions );

    let response;

    if( !event.authorizationToken || typeof event.authorizationToken !== "string" )
        response = resp( 401 );

    let item = token.decrypt( event.authorizationToken );

    try { item = resp( 100, JSON.parse( item ) ); }
    catch( e ) { item = resp( 401 ); }

    if( item.statusCode !== 100 )
        response = resp( 401 );
    else if( item.data.Expiration <= new Date().getTime() )
        response = resp( 407 );
        response = resp( 100 );

    if( response.statusCode >= 400 ) {
        const authResponse = policy.build();
        authResponse.context = response;
        cb( null, authResponse );
    } else {
        COG.getCredentialsForIdentity( {
            IdentityId: item.data.IdentityId,
            Logins: {
                'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com': item.data.Token
        }, ( e, d ) => {
            if( e ) {
                response = resp( 401 );
            } else {
                policy.allowMethod( AuthPolicy.HttpVerb.GET, "/user" );
                policy.allowMethod( AuthPolicy.HttpVerb.DELETE, "/user" );
                response = resp( 202 );

            const authResponse = policy.build();
            authResponse.context = response;
            cb( null, authResponse );
        } );



  1. 转到 Lambda 并创建一个名为 Auth_isValid 或类似名称的函数
  2. 将你的 PoolIdprincipalId 放入环境变量中,以便以后轻松更改
  3. 前往 API 网关并让 link 启动
  4. 在左侧的 API 选项下,点击 Authorizers
  5. 点击Create -> Custom Authorizer
  6. 填写您的 Lambda 区域、函数名称(应自动填写)、授权方名称、身份令牌源(暂时使用 method.request.header.Authorization 保持简单,TTL 可以是 300。不要搞​​乱执行尚未角色或令牌验证表达式。
  7. Save/Update 然后返回 Lambda - 我们稍后将与此授权方连接一个函数。

好的,所以当你查看我的函数时,你会发现我在最顶部做了这个奇怪的 encrypt/decrypt 事情:

token  = {
    algorithm: "aes-256-ctr",
    encrypt: item => {
        item = JSON.stringify( item );
        let cipher = crypto.createCipher( token.algorithm, process.env.PoolId ),
            crypted = cipher.update( item, 'utf8', 'base64' );
        crypted += cipher.final( 'base64' );
        return crypted;
    decrypt: item => {
        let decipher = crypto.createDecipher( token.algorithm, process.env.PoolId ),
            dec = decipher.update( item, 'base64', 'utf8' );
        dec += decipher.final( 'utf8' );
        return dec;

基本上,我将一些我想要的项目包装在一个简单的加密密钥中,这样我就可以轻松地传递我的所有信息。 (我将身份池作为散列传入,以使其既酷又简单,只要您从不将身份池 ID 发送到前端,我们就很好!)

Custom Authorizer 需要一个令牌,而不是 JSON 你所说的“令牌”块或其他东西(你可以这样做,但它看起来很笨)

所以我们有一个传入的统一令牌,我为此调用 decrypt 函数来解包(稍后我将展示加密示例。

现在有些人可能会说“哦,好吧,这实际上不是加密,它很容易被弄清楚”——我对此的回答是:“好吧,无论如何,它本来是未加密的,原始文本,为什么不让它变得简单。 “


let response;

if( !event.authorizationToken || typeof event.authorizationToken !== "string" )
    response = resp( 401 );

let item = token.decrypt( event.authorizationToken );

try { item = resp( 100, JSON.parse( item ) ); }
catch( e ) { item = resp( 401 ); }

if( item.statusCode !== 100 )
    response = resp( 401 );
else if( item.data.Expiration <= new Date().getTime() )
    response = resp( 407 );
    response = resp( 100 );

if( response.statusCode >= 400 ) {
    const authResponse = policy.build();
    authResponse.context = response;
    cb( null, authResponse );
} else {
    COG.getCredentialsForIdentity( {
        IdentityId: item.data.IdentityId,
        Logins: {
            'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com': item.data.Token
    }, ( e, d ) => {
        if( e ) {
            response = resp( 401 );
        } else {
            policy.allowMethod( AuthPolicy.HttpVerb.GET, "/user" );
            policy.allowMethod( AuthPolicy.HttpVerb.DELETE, "/user" );
            response = resp( 202 );

        const authResponse = policy.build();
        authResponse.context = response;
        cb( null, authResponse );
    } );


Our incoming data from API Gateway is:


Our outgoing data from Lambda should be something like:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Resource": [

Depending on how our authorization goes.

所以在我的第一个 if 检查中,我确保 authorizationToken 在那里并且它是 string,如果不是,我们说它是 Unauthorized(每个人都应该知道并使用他们的状态代码)

其次,我解密了令牌并确保 try-catch 尝试顺利进行。如果进展不顺利,他们就是 Unauthorized。如果是这样,我们可以 Continue.

你会在令牌中看到,我放了一个变量 Expiration,这就是我检查密钥是否曾经被接受和正确的方式,现在只是过期了。为此,我说 Proxy Authentication Required。这告诉我的前端,再次调用登录并给我新的信用。别忘了,此功能的目的只能是检查我们是否获得授权。不要做刷新令牌等花哨的事情。

接下来,我检查是否一切正常并调用 denyAllMethods 并将响应代码放入响应的 context 中。 API 网关非常挑剔,只需要传递简单的 IAM 格式的策略 - 没有其他信息或格式,或者如果未指定则可能存在的任何内容 HERE or HERE

如果一切正常,我调用 getCredentialsForIdentity - 使用 IdentityIdToken,确保令牌实际上也是有效的,然后我允许函数当时需要。这些非常重要, 将仅针对那些函数验证令牌 - 换句话说。如果您在 IAM 中的 IAM 角色说它可以访问所有内容,这会说不,您只能访问 /user 上的 GET/user 上的 DELETE。所以不要让它愚弄你。毕竟这是 自定义授权人

接下来,我需要向您展示我是如何从登录部分输入所有这些内容的。我有相同的 token = { 部分,但在我的登录功能中我添加了一个 getToken 功能:

token.getToken = obj => {
    return new Promise( ( res, rej ) => {
        COG.getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity( {
            IdentityPoolId: process.env.PoolId,
            Logins: {
                "com.whatever.developerIdthing": obj.email
            TokenDuration: duration
        }, ( e, r ) => {
            r.Expiration = new Date().getTime() + ( duration * 1000 );
            if( e ) rej( e );
            else res( token.encrypt( r ) );
        } );
    } );





How long does the authentication last? I want the user to remain logged in. This is how most apps I use work and stays logged in until they hit logout.

您使用他们的电子邮件或您想要识别他们的任何内容创建一个 OpenIdToken,并且 TokenDuration 内完成。我建议做一两周,但如果你想要一年或更长时间,31536000 就可以了。另一种方法是制作一个只为您提供授权凭据的函数,而不是在出现 407 场景时在授权方中调用 denyAll,制作他们可以调用的唯一方法 allowMethod( POST, /updateCreds ); 或类似的东西。这样你就可以时不时刷新一下他们的东西。



if( response.statusCode >= 400 )


if( statusCode >= 400 )
else if( statusCode === 407 )
    allow refresh function
    allow everything else
