f# 在 list.iteri 中执行等待异步方法

f# perform await async methods in list.iteri

我在 F# 4.0 中有以下代码

let processEscalation escalationAction (escalationEvents:UpdateCmd.Record list) =
    printf "%A" Environment.NewLine
    printf "Started %A" escalationAction
    |> List.iter ( fun x -> 
        printf "%A" Environment.NewLine
        printf "escalation %A for with action: %A" x.incident_id escalationAction
        service.PostAction(new Models.Action(x.incident_id, escalationAction, "escalated")) 
        |> Async.AwaitTask
        |> ignore)

let ComposeEscalation() = 
    let escalationlevels = ["ESC1 REACHED"; "ESC2 REACHED"; "ESC3 REACHED"]
    |> List.map getEscalationEvents
    |> List.iteri (fun i x -> processEscalation escalationlevels.[i] x)

其中下一行是对 returns Task

的 C# 异步方法的调用
service.PostAction(new Models.Action(x.incident_id, escalationAction, "escalated"))

compose 升级方法调用 processEscalation 三次。 但是,第二个调用在第一个调用完成之前开始。 我如何确保最后一行 list.iteri 等待并按顺序处理它们? 也许 processEscalation 应该在异步计算表达式中?

Async.AwaitTask 的作用是 returns 一个 Async 计算,可用于等待任务完成。在您的情况下,您永远不会对它做任何事情,因此循环只会继续下一次迭代。


service.PostAction(new Models.Action(x.incident_id, escalationAction, "escalated")) 
|> Async.AwaitTask
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore



module Async = 

    let sequential (asyncs: seq<Async<'t>>) : Async<'t []> = 
        let rec loop acc remaining = 
            async {
                match remaining with
                | [] -> return Array.ofList (List.rev acc)
                | x::xs ->
                    let! res = x
                    return! loop (res::acc) xs
        loop [] (List.ofSeq asyncs)


// a collection of asyncs - note that the task won't start until the async is ran
|> List.map (fun x -> 
    async {
        let task = 
            service.PostAction(new Models.Action(x.incident_id, escalationAction, "escalated")) 
        return! Async.AwaitTask task 
// go from a collection of asyncs into an async of a collection
|> Async.sequential
// you don't care about the result, so ignore it
|> Async.Ignore
// now that you have your async, you need to run it in a way that makes sense
// in your context - Async.Start could be another option. 
|> Async.RunSynchronously
