Case class 构造函数参数类型取决于前一个参数值

Case class constructor argument type depending on the previous argument value


trait Stateful {
  type State

case class SystemState(system: Stateful, state: system.State) // does not compile


illegal dependent method type: parameter appears in the type of another parameter in the same section or an earlier one

使用函数参数,我可以将参数分成两个参数列表,这对于 case class 构造函数是不可能的:

def f(system: Stateful)(state: system.State): Unit = {} // compiles


case class SystemState[S](system: Stateful { type State = S }, state: S) // compiles

但我认为没有类型参数应该是可能的,因为在 dotty 中,我认为类型参数被脱糖为类型成员。



不幸的是,依赖类型的多参数列表方法是 not supported for constructors,所以不,你将不得不引入一个类型参数。


trait Stateful {
  type State

object SystemState {
  def apply(system: Stateful)(state: system.State): SystemState = 
    new Impl[system.State](system, state)

  private case class Impl[S](val system: Stateful { type State = S }, 
                             val state: S)
    extends SystemState {
    override def productPrefix = "SystemState"
trait SystemState {
  val system: Stateful
  val state: system.State

case object Test extends Stateful { type State = Int }
val x = SystemState(Test)(1234)