在 Python 中,为什么单独的字典字符串值会通过 "in" 相等性检查? (字符串实习实验)

In Python, why do separate dictionary string values pass "in" equality checks? ( string Interning Experiment )

我正在构建一个 Python 实用程序,它将涉及将整数映射到字符串,其中许多整数可能映射到同一个字符串。根据我的理解,Python 默认情况下会保留短字符串和大多数硬编码字符串,从而通过在 table 中保留字符串的 "canonical" 版本来节省内存开销。我认为我可以通过驻留字符串值从中受益,尽管字符串驻留更多地是为密钥散列优化而构建的。我编写了一个快速测试来检查长字符串的字符串相等性,首先只将字符串存储在列表中,然后将字符串作为值存储在字典中。这种行为出乎我的意料:

import sys

top = 10000

non1 = []
non2 = []
for i in range(top):
    s1 = '{:010d}'.format(i)
    s2 = '{:010d}'.format(i)

same = True
for i in range(top):
    same = same and (non1[i] is non2[i])
print("non: ", same) # prints False
del non1[:]
del non2[:]

with1 = []
with2 = []
for i in range(top):
    s1 = sys.intern('{:010d}'.format(i))
    s2 = sys.intern('{:010d}'.format(i))

same = True
for i in range(top):
    same = same and (with1[i] is with2[i])
print("with: ", same) # prints True


non_dict = {}
non_dict[1] = "this is a long string"
non_dict[2] = "this is another long string"
non_dict[3] = "this is a long string"
non_dict[4] = "this is another long string"

with_dict = {}
with_dict[1] = sys.intern("this is a long string")
with_dict[2] = sys.intern("this is another long string")
with_dict[3] = sys.intern("this is a long string")
with_dict[4] = sys.intern("this is another long string")

print("non: ",  non_dict[1] is non_dict[3] and non_dict[2] is non_dict[4]) # prints True ???
print("with: ", with_dict[1] is with_dict[3] and with_dict[2] is with_dict[4]) # prints True

我以为非字典检查会导致 "False" 打印输出,但我显然错了。有谁知道发生了什么,字符串实习是否会对我的情况产生任何好处?如果我合并来自多个输入文本的数据,我可以拥有比单个值多 许多 的键,所以我正在寻找一种节省内存的方法 space。 (也许我将不得不使用数据库,但这超出了这个问题的范围。) 提前致谢!


non_dict = {}
non_dict[1] = "this is a long string"
non_dict[2] = "this is another long string"
non_dict[3] = "this is a long string"
non_dict[4] = "this is another long string"
