
Convolution by multiplying list of numbers in memory, so an inverse convolution algorithm?

虽然 "convolutions are multiplications in the frequency domain",但从字面上看,它们似乎也是乘法。例如,如果我将内存中的数字相邻地连接成一种列表:

5:  (byte) 00000101
22: (byte) 00010110
7:  (byte) 00000111
8:  (byte) 00001000


(Int32) 00000101000101100000011100001000

然后将这个结果 list/number 乘以另一个这样的列表,结果是一个列表与另一个列表的卷积。以下 C# 程序对此进行了演示:

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var A = new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
        var a = combine_to_Int64(A);
        var B = new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
        var b = combine_to_Int64(B);
        var c = a * b;
        var C = separate_to_8_byte(c);
        var d = deconvolution(c, b); // not correct
        var D = separate_to_8_byte(d);
            "The convolution of (" + to_string(A) + ") with ("
            + to_string(B) + ") is: (" + to_string(C) + ")");
            "The deconvolution of (" + to_string(C) + ") with ("
            + to_string(B) + ") is: (" + to_string(D) + ")");

    public static Int64 convolution(Int64 a, Int64 b)
        return a * b;

    private static Int64 combine_to_Int64(byte[] n)
        if (n.Length == 4)
            return n[0] + 65536 * n[1] + 4294967296 * n[2] +
                281474976710656 * n[3];
        else if (n.Length == 8)
            return n[0] + 256 * n[1] + 65536 * n[2] + 16777216 * n[3] +
                4294967296 * n[4] + 1099511627776 * n[5] +
                281474976710656 * n[6] + 72057594037927936 * n[7];
            throw new ArgumentException();

    private static Int16[] separate_to_4_Int16(Int64 a)
        return new []{(Int16) a, (Int16) (a >> 0x10),
            (Int16) (a >> 0x20), (Int16) (a >> 0x30)};

    private static byte[] separate_to_8_byte(Int64 a)
        return new []{(byte) a, (byte) (a >> 8), (byte) (a >> 0x10),
            (byte) (a >> 0x18), (byte) (a >> 0x20), (byte) (a >> 0x28),
            (byte) (a >> 0x30), (byte) (a >> 0x38)};

    public static string to_string(byte[] values)
        string s = "";
        foreach (var val in values)
            s += (s == "" ? "" : " ") + val;
        return s;

    public static string to_string(Int16[] values)
        string s = "";
        foreach (var val in values)
            s += (s == "" ? "" : " ") + val;
        return s;

    // ---

    public static Int64 deconvolution(Int64 a, Int64 b)
        var large = System.Numerics.BigInteger.Parse(
        return (Int64)(((
            (new System.Numerics.BigInteger(a) * large)
            / new System.Numerics.BigInteger(b))
            * 72057594037927936) / large);



The convolution of (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) with (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) is: (1 4 10 20 35 56 84 120)

The deconvolution of (1 4 10 20 35 56 84 120) with (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) is: (219 251 194 172 10 94 253 14)


"Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences" … "Tetrahedral (or triangular pyramidal) numbers" … "the convolution of the natural numbers with themselves. - Felix Goldberg"




00000101 becomes x^2 + x^0
00000111 becomes x^2 + x^1 + x^0

多项式乘法和卷积是完全相同的操作(设xz-1,延迟的z变换原语.. . 现在乘法毕竟发生在变换域中)


(x^1 + x^0) * (x^1 + x^0)

x^2 + 2 x^1 + x^0


conv([1 1], [1 1]) = [1 2 1]


0011 * 0011


0100 + 2 * 0010 + 0001

算术上,2 * 0010变成0100,最后的结果



运算结果只在x = 2...时成立,但在卷积x必须是延时算子

如果您使用每组 8 位表示一个时间样本的振幅,则会出现相同的效果。一个组内的算术是可以的,但是一旦你有一个跨组边界的进位,卷积和乘法之间的等价性就丢失了。