System.Math.MomentSkewKurtosis 中的时刻 3 和时刻 4 到底是什么

What exactly are Moment 3 and Moment 4 in System.Math.MomentSkewKurtosis

System.Math.MomentSkewKurtosis 声明为

procedure MomentSkewKurtosis(const Data: array of Double; var M1, M2, M3, M4, Skew, Kurtosis: Extended);

和returns M1、M2、M3、M4、偏斜、峰度,其中

M1 - 算术平均值

M2 - 总体方差

偏斜 - 偏斜度



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查看 M3M4(三阶和四阶矩)作为辅助变量,以计算偏差和峰度(从 sorce 中提取):

MomentSkewKurtosis: Calculates the core factors of statistical analysis: the first four moments plus the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis.

  • M1 is the Mean.
  • M2 is the Variance.
  • Skew reflects symmetry of distribution: M3 / (M2**(3/2))
  • Kurtosis reflects flatness of distribution: M4 / Sqr(M2)