如何为 openshift origin 一体机设置 'rhc'

How to setup 'rhc' for openshift origin all-in-one

尝试 运行 rhc 设置时,我得到以下信息:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ rhc setup --debug --server localhost:8443 --insecure
DEBUG: Using config file /home/vagrant/.openshift/express.conf
DEBUG: Running greeting_stage
OpenShift Client Tools (RHC) Setup Wizard

This wizard will help you upload your SSH keys, set your application namespace, and check that other programs like Git are properly installed.
DEBUG: Running server_stage
DEBUG: Running login_stage
DEBUG: Connecting to https://localhost:8443/broker/rest/api
DEBUG: Client supports API versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
DEBUG: Created new httpclient
DEBUG: Request GET https://localhost:8443/broker/rest/api
DEBUG: SSL Verification failed -- Using self signed cert
DEBUG:    code 403   25 ms

有什么方法可以 运行 使用 origin all-in-one 附带的自签名证书进行设置吗?

根据 Graham Dumpleton 的评论,我正在尝试解决错误的问题。

Be aware that the command line client for current Origin all in one is oc, not rhc. The rhc client is for older OpenShift 2, not latest OpenShift 3. Perhaps read through to understand how to use latest Origin all in one VM the free eBook at openshift.com/promotions/for-developers.html if you are really wanting OpenShift 3. – Graham Dumpleton Jan 2 at 23:20