如何使绘图比例相同或将它们转换为 ggplot 中的对数比例

How to make plots scales the same or trun them into Log scales in ggplot

我正在使用此脚本在 R 中使用 ggplot2 绘制化学元素:

# Load the same Data set but in different name, becaus it is just for     plotting elements as a well log:
Core31B1 <- read.csv('OilSandC31B1BatchResultsCr.csv', header = TRUE)
# Calculating the ratios of Ca.Ti, Ca.K, Ca.Fe:
C31B1$Ca.Ti.ratio <- (C31B1$Ca/C31B1$Ti)
C31B1$Ca.K.ratio <- (C31B1$Ca/C31B1$K)
C31B1$Ca.Fe.ratio <- (C31B1$Ca/C31B1$Fe)
C31B1$Fe.Ti.ratio <- (C31B1$Fe/C31B1$Ti)
#C31B1$Si.Al.ratio <- (C31B1$Si/C31B1$Al)
# Create a subset of ratios and depth
core31B1_ratio <- C31B1[-2:-18]
# Removing the totCount column:
Core31B1 <- Core31B1[-9]
# Metling the data set based on the depth values, to have only three columns:    depth, element and count
C31B1_melted <- melt(Core31B1, id.vars="depth")
#ratio melted
C31B1_ra_melted <- melt(core31B1_ratio, id.vars="depth")
# Eliminating the NA data from the data set
# ratios
C31B1_ra_melted <-na.exclude(C31B1_ra_melted)
# Rename the columns:
colnames(C31B1_melted) <- c("depth","element","counts")
# ratios
colnames(C31B1_ra_melted) <- c("depth","ratio","percentage")
# Ploting the data in well logs format using ggplot2:
Core31B1_Sp <- ggplot(C31B1_melted, aes(x=counts, y=depth)) + 
theme_bw() + 
geom_path(aes(linetype = element))+ geom_path(size  = 0.6) + 
labs(title='Core 31 Box 1 Bioturbated sediments') +
scale_y_reverse() +
  facet_grid(. ~ element, scales='free_x')  #rasterImage(Core31Image, 0,   1515.03, 150, 0, interpolate = FALSE)
# View the plot:



不清楚您所说的 "the same" 是什么意思,因为这不会给您与对数转换值相同的结果。以下是如何获得对数转换,当与不使用 free_x 结合使用时,将为您提供我认为您正在要求的情节。

首先,由于您没有提供任何可重现的数据(请参阅 here 了解更多关于如何提出好问题的信息),这里至少提供了一些我 think你的数据有。我正在使用 tidyverse(特别是 dplyrtidyr)来构建:

forRatios <-
  names(iris)[1:3] %>%
  combn(2, paste, collapse = " / ")

toPlot <-
  iris %>%
  mutate_(.dots = forRatios) %>%
  select(contains("/")) %>%
  mutate(yLocation = 1:n()) %>%
  gather(Comparison, Ratio, -yLocation) %>%
  mutate(logRatio = log2(Ratio))

请注意,最后一行采用比率的对数底数 2。这允许在每个方向(高于和低于 1)绘制有意义的比率。我认为这一步就是您所需要的。如果你不想使用 dplyr.

,你可以用 myDF$logRatio <- log2(myDF$ratio) 完成类似的事情


  , aes(x = logRatio
        , y = yLocation) ) +
  geom_path() +
