start/stop 服务时无法获得可靠的布尔值
Unable to get reliable boolean value when start/stop services
我创建了一个 sub
来查询服务,它首先检查该服务是否 运行 然后停止该服务。我尝试了几种不同的方法来通过 WMI 检查服务是否为 运行,但是当我尝试使用 objSrvc.Started
生成布尔值时得到的结果不可靠,但这是证明不可靠,当它到达脚本中的点时,服务已成功停止,然后通过 Started
方法继续查询 return True
或 False
取决于首次使用 Started
Dim objReg : Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\"& strServer &"\root\default:StdRegProv")
Dim objFso : Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objShll : Set objShll = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim objSrvCnsl : Set objSrvCnsl = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2")
'File for output of data for testing purposes
'Set objOutFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:\temp\Output.txt")
Function strSrcvName()
strRegPth = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services"
objReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strRegPth, arrReg
For Each strSubKey in arrReg
WScript.Interactive = False
Wscript.echo strSubKey
WScript.Interactive = True
strFullKey = strRegPth &"\"& strSubKey
objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strFullKey , "DisplayName", strAppName
On Error Resume Next
'Test output of strAppName relates to DisplayName, REG_SZ value
'objOutFile.Write strAppName
'objOutFile.Write strSubKey
If strAppName = strSrvcIn Then Exit For
strSrcvName = strSubKey
End Function
'Wscript.Echo "Step 2"
Set objSrvc = objSrvCnsl.Get("Win32_Service.Name='"& strSrcvName & "'")
Sub objStpStrtSrvc()
If objSrvc.Started = True then
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StopService()
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been stopped"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End if
If objSrvc.Started = False then
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StartService()
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been started"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End If
End Sub
如果这还不够清楚,我深表歉意。我找到了另一种方法,但它不是很容错(说实话,这也不是我想做的,但现在还很早,还有很多东西要添加),我停止了服务等待 500 毫秒,检查后如果服务处于 stopping
状态,如果不是,则它会调用新的 sub
Sub objStpStrtSrvc()
If objSrvc.Started = True then
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StopService()
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been stopped"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End if
If objSrvc.Status = "Stopping" then
If objSrvc.Status = "Stopping" then
If objSrvc.Status = "Stopping" then
If objSrvc.Status = "Stopping" then
End If
Elseif objSrvc.Status = "OK" then
End If
Elseif objSrvc.Status = "OK" then
End If
Elseif objSrvc.Status = "OK" then
End If
End Sub
Sub objStart()
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StartService()
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been started"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End If
End Sub
Sub objStpStrtSrvc()
If objSrvc.Started then
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StopService()
Wscript.Echo "Stopping Service"
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been stopped"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End if
wscript.sleep 500
wscript.echo intSrvcStt
Set objSrvc = objSrvCnsl.Get("Win32_Service.Name='"& strDerp & "'")
If not objSrvc.Started then
wscript.echo "Got Here2"
'intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StartService()
Wscript.Echo "Starting Service"
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been started"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End If
End Sub
我创建了一个 sub
来查询服务,它首先检查该服务是否 运行 然后停止该服务。我尝试了几种不同的方法来通过 WMI 检查服务是否为 运行,但是当我尝试使用 objSrvc.Started
生成布尔值时得到的结果不可靠,但这是证明不可靠,当它到达脚本中的点时,服务已成功停止,然后通过 Started
方法继续查询 return True
或 False
取决于首次使用 Started
Dim objReg : Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\"& strServer &"\root\default:StdRegProv")
Dim objFso : Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objShll : Set objShll = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim objSrvCnsl : Set objSrvCnsl = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2")
'File for output of data for testing purposes
'Set objOutFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:\temp\Output.txt")
Function strSrcvName()
strRegPth = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services"
objReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strRegPth, arrReg
For Each strSubKey in arrReg
WScript.Interactive = False
Wscript.echo strSubKey
WScript.Interactive = True
strFullKey = strRegPth &"\"& strSubKey
objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strFullKey , "DisplayName", strAppName
On Error Resume Next
'Test output of strAppName relates to DisplayName, REG_SZ value
'objOutFile.Write strAppName
'objOutFile.Write strSubKey
If strAppName = strSrvcIn Then Exit For
strSrcvName = strSubKey
End Function
'Wscript.Echo "Step 2"
Set objSrvc = objSrvCnsl.Get("Win32_Service.Name='"& strSrcvName & "'")
Sub objStpStrtSrvc()
If objSrvc.Started = True then
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StopService()
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been stopped"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End if
If objSrvc.Started = False then
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StartService()
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been started"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End If
End Sub
如果这还不够清楚,我深表歉意。我找到了另一种方法,但它不是很容错(说实话,这也不是我想做的,但现在还很早,还有很多东西要添加),我停止了服务等待 500 毫秒,检查后如果服务处于 stopping
状态,如果不是,则它会调用新的 sub
Sub objStpStrtSrvc()
If objSrvc.Started = True then
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StopService()
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been stopped"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End if
If objSrvc.Status = "Stopping" then
If objSrvc.Status = "Stopping" then
If objSrvc.Status = "Stopping" then
If objSrvc.Status = "Stopping" then
End If
Elseif objSrvc.Status = "OK" then
End If
Elseif objSrvc.Status = "OK" then
End If
Elseif objSrvc.Status = "OK" then
End If
End Sub
Sub objStart()
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StartService()
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been started"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End If
End Sub
Sub objStpStrtSrvc()
If objSrvc.Started then
intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StopService()
Wscript.Echo "Stopping Service"
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been stopped"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End if
wscript.sleep 500
wscript.echo intSrvcStt
Set objSrvc = objSrvCnsl.Get("Win32_Service.Name='"& strDerp & "'")
If not objSrvc.Started then
wscript.echo "Got Here2"
'intSrvcStt = objSrvc.StartService()
Wscript.Echo "Starting Service"
If intSrvcStt = 0 then Wscript.Echo "Service has been started"
Elseif intSrvcStt = 2 then Wscript.Echo "Insufficient privileges"
Elseif intSrvcStt > 2 then Wscript.Echo "There is an issue, investigate"
End If
End Sub