Golang 推断接口

Golang inferred interfaces

这里只是一个简单的语言设计相关问题。 在像 Swift 这样的语言中,为了使 struct/class 符合 protocol/interface,需要明确声明它

struct Dog: Animal {
    // implementation of Animal protocols here

但为什么在 Go 中,没有明确的方法来显示结构符合哪些接口?



如果这些类型已经提供了正确的方法(即与您的接口指定的方法相同 API),它们将满足该接口。


参见“What are some examples of Go interfaces?

Go's interfaces aren't a variant on Java or C# interfaces, they're much more.
They are a key to large-scale programming and adaptable, evolutionary design.

"It's the fact that I don't have to spend time up front designing some sort of type hierarchy and then rearranging it two or three times before I finish.
It's not even the fact that it's easy to do it right -
it's the fact that I just don't have to worry about it and can get on with the actual algorithm."

这些引述来自2012 article, and also from this thread, where you can read Rob Pike's comment:

"It's always bothered me in OO languages that we can make Circle, Square, etc. subclasses of Shape (say), but that's the one design decision we get to make.
What if we want to align those things along other axes (so to speak), like topological genus or plant genus, if you're a landscaper? You might lose your way or dig yourself into a hole with multiple inheritance."

扩展 VonC 的答案。


But why is it that in Go, there are no explicit ways to show what interfaces a struct conforms to?

其实有一些方法。参见 Go FAQ: How can I guarantee my type satisfies an interface?


type Sayer interface {
    Say() string


type MySayer struct{}

func (ms MySayer) Say() string {
    return "Foo"

在这种情况下 MySayer 实现 Sayer。为确保它确实如此,您可以添加以下行:

var _ Sayer = MySayer{}

如果您输入错误,例如将您的 Say() 方法命名为 Sai(),这将是一个编译时错误。

不过,这只是编译时 "check",它没有记录 MySayer 实现 Sayer。为此,您可以添加一个 "dummy" 方法,其 name 本身 记录此 属性:

type Sayer interface {
    Say() string

现在任何类型要实现 Sayer,它们都必须声明一个名为 ImplementsSayer() 的方法,一眼就能判断出它实现了 Sayer:

func (MySayer) ImplementsSayer() {}

您甚至不需要为接收器命名,因为它不被使用。该行用简单的英语显示:"MySayer implements Sayer".


Most code doesn't make use of such constraints, since they limit the utility of the interface idea. Sometimes, though, they're necessary to resolve ambiguities among similar interfaces.