bower.json: main 存在但我收到“(...) bower.json 中缺少 "main" 条目”警告

bower.json: main is present but I get a "(...) is missing "main" entry in bower.json" warning

我正在尝试注册 this jquery plugin 到 Bower。

bower.json 文件如下所示:

    "name": "domajax",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "homepage": "",
    "description": "Domajax is a free jQuery plugin that give you tools to add ajax calls within your application, without a piece of javascript.",
    "main": [
    "keywords": [
    "authors": [
        "Alain Tiemblo"
    "repository": {
        "type": "git",
        "url": "git://"
    "bugs": "",
    "license": "MIT",
    "ignore": ["./!(js/jquery.domajax.js)"],
    "dependencies": {
        "jquery": ">=1.7",
        "jquery.ui": "*",
        "json2-js": "*"

你可以看到 mainignore 条目都已设置,但是当我将插件注册到 Bower 时收到以下警告:

bower domajax#*           invalid-meta domajax is missing "main" entry in bower.json
bower domajax#*           invalid-meta domajax is missing "ignore" entry in bower.json

Why those entries are marked as missing on my bower.json file?


ninsuo:domajax alain$ bower register domajax
bower                          convert Converted to git://
bower domajax#*                resolve git://*
bower domajax#*               download
bower domajax#*                extract archive.tar.gz
bower domajax#*           invalid-meta domajax is missing "main" entry in bower.json
bower domajax#*           invalid-meta domajax is missing "ignore" entry in bower.json
bower domajax#*               resolved git://
? Registering a package will make it installable via the registry (, continue?: No

Bower 包版本基于 git 个标签(标签名称应 semver 兼容)。
注册您的包时,Bower 将在最新标签中查找 bower.json - 在您的情况下为 2.1.0。这可以在您在问题中提供的输出中看到:

bower domajax#*               download

在您的例子中,2.1.0 标签根本不包含 bower.json(该文件仅存在于 master 分支中)。要解决此问题,您需要确保 bower.json 文件存在于您的项目标签中(或至少是最新的标签)。