SciPy - 点积在稀疏和密集矩阵上的泛化

SciPy - Generalization of dot product over sparse and dense matrix


M3[i,k] = sum_j(M1[i,j] * M2[j,k])

现在我想用 sum 其他操作替换 sum,比如最大值:

M3[i,k] = max_j(M1[i,j] * M2[j,k])




M3 = np.sum(M1[:,:,None]*M2[None,:,:], axis=1)

M3 = np.max(M1[:,:,None]*M2[None,:,:], axis=1)

应该指的是稠密矩阵M1和稀疏矩阵M2。不幸的是,3d 稀疏矩阵在 SciPy.



M3[i,k] = max_j(M1[i,j] * M2[j,k])

我们只迭代 j 这样 M2[j,k]!=0.


这是一种使用一个循环的方法,该循环通过共同的归约轴进行迭代 -

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import scipy as sp

def reduce_after_multiply(M1, M2):
    # M1 : Nump array
    # M2 : Sparse matrix
    # Output : NumPy array

    # Get nonzero indices. Get start and stop indices representing 
    # intervaled indices along the axis of reduction containing 
    # the nonzero indices.
    r,c = sp.sparse.find(M2.T)[:2]
    IDs, start = np.unique(r,return_index=1)
    stop = np.append(start[1:], c.size)

    # Initialize output array and start loop for assigning values
    m, n = M1.shape[0], M2.shape[1]
    out = np.zeros((m,n))
    for iterID,i in enumerate(IDs):

        # Non zero indices for each col from M2. Use these to select 
        # M1's cols and M2's rows. Perform elementwise multiplication.
        idx = c[start[iterID]:stop[iterID]]
        mult = M1[:,idx]*M2.getcol(i).data

        # Use the inteneded ufunc along the second axis.
        out[:,i] = np.max(mult, axis=1) # Use any axis supported ufunc here
    return out

用于验证的样本运行 -

In [248]: # Input data
     ...: M1 = np.random.rand(5,3)
     ...: M2 = csr_matrix(np.random.randint(0,3,(3,1000)))
     ...: # For variety, let's make one column as all zero. 
     ...: # This should result in corresponding col as all zeros as well.
     ...: M2[:,1] = 0

In [249]: # Verify
     ...: out1 = np.max(M1[:,:,None]*M2.toarray()[None,:,:], axis=1)

In [250]: np.allclose(out1, reduce_after_multiply(M1, M2))
Out[250]: True

特别是对于点积,我们有一个内置的点方法,因此可以直接使用它。因此,我们可以将第一个密集数组的输入转换为稀疏矩阵,然后使用稀疏矩阵的 .dot method,就像这样 -



In [252]: # Verify
     ...: out1 = np.sum(M1[:,:,None]*M2.toarray()[None,:,:], axis=1)

In [253]: out2 = csr_matrix(M1).dot(M2)

In [254]: np.allclose(out1, out2.toarray())
Out[254]: True

您还可以查看 sparse 库,它通过提供更好的类似 numpy 的界面和 n 维数组扩展了 scipy.sparse