
Using result of formula in another calculation

我想使用在第二个 "for i in range" 语句中计算的值来使用第四个 "for i in range" 语句计算一个新值;但是,我收到错误消息:"could not convert string to float: 'E2*37.5'"

如何调用 sheet['F{}',format(i)] ='E{}*37.5'.format(i) 中计算的数值而不是 formula/string?

import openpyxl

wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('camdatatest.xlsx', read_only= False, data_only = True)

# Assuming you are working with Sheet1
sheet = wb['Sheet1']

for i in range(2,80):
    sheet['D{}'.format(i)] = '=C{}/3'.format(i)
for i in range(2,80):
    sheet['F{}'.format(i)] = '=E{}*37.5'.format(i)
for i in range(2,80):
    sheet['H{}'.format(i)] = '=D{}*G2*50'.format(i) 
for i in range(2,80):
    sheet['I{}'.format(i)].value = float(sheet['F{}'.format(i)].value)/float(sheet['H{}'.format(i)].value)

wb.save('camdatatestoutput.xlsx' , data_only= True)


openpyxl never evaluates formula


for i in range(2,80):
    sheet['I{}'.format(i)] = '=E{}*37.5/H{}'.format(i,i)

请注意,您无法设置 Ix 单元格的值,因为您实际上没有 Ex 或 Hx 单元格的值。 (好吧,你可能有,但如果你这样做,你的问题并不清楚)