
How to stop auto sorting of Jqpivot?

以下 jqpivot 网格显示汽车租赁的销售信息。完整的代码在 jsfiddle

var data = [{
    "id": 1,
    "make": "toyota",
    "model": "corolla",
    "fuelusagecity": "17",
    "fuelusagehwy": "12",
    "salesaboveavg": false,
    "totalnumberofsales": 120000.0000,
    "highsalestext": null,
    "salesdate": "2010-12-01"
}, {
    "id": 2,
    "make": "toyota",
    "model": "corolla",
    "fuelusagecity": "10",
    "fuelusagehwy": "14",
    "salesaboveavg": false,
    "totalnumberofsales": 100000.0000,
    "highsalestext": "HIGH",
    "salesdate": "2010-12-15"
}, {
    "id": 3,
    "make": "toyota",
    "model": "belta",
    "fuelusagecity": "15",
    "fuelusagehwy": "10",
    "salesaboveavg": true,
    "totalnumberofsales": 200000.0000,
    "highsalestext": null,
    "salesdate": "2011-01-10"
}, {
    "id": 4,
    "make": "toyota",
    "model": "camry",
    "fuelusagecity": "13",
    "fuelusagehwy": "10",
    "salesaboveavg": false,
    "totalnumberofsales": 300000.0000,
    "highsalestext": "HIGH",
    "salesdate": "2011-04-23"
}, {
    "id": 5,
    "make": "nissan",
    "model": "skyline",
    "fuelusagecity": "14",
    "fuelusagehwy": "9",
    "salesaboveavg": true,
    "totalnumberofsales": 500000.0000,
    "highsalestext": "HIGH",
    "salesdate": "2010-09-10"
}, {
    "id": 6,
    "make": "nissan",
    "model": "zx300",
    "fuelusagecity": "10",
    "fuelusagehwy": "8",
    "salesaboveavg": false,
    "totalnumberofsales": 400000.0000,
    "highsalestext": null,
    "salesdate": "2012-01-06"

/* convert the salesdate in  */
var i, item, dateParts;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    item = data[i];
    if (typeof item.salesdate === "string") {
        dateParts = item.salesdate.split("-");
        item.salesYear = dateParts[0];
        item.salesMonth = dateParts[1];
        item.salesDay = dateParts[2];
        item.salesDateFormatted = dateParts[0];

var myIntTemplate = {
    formatter: "currency",
    align: "right", sorttype: "number",
    searchoptions: { sopt: ["eq", "ne", "lt", "le", "gt", "ge"] },
    formatoptions: { defaultValue: ""}
    $grid = $("#list483");

    frozenStaticCols: true,
    skipSortByX: true,
    useColSpanStyle: true,
    //defaultFormatting: false,
    xDimension: [
        { dataName: "make", width: 100, label: "Make", compareVectorsEx(x1,x2){
        // how do i use x1, x2 parameters to stop auto sort
        }  },
        { dataName: "model", width: 100, label: "Model", align: "center", skipGrouping:true, compareVectorsEx(x1,x2){

        } },
        { dataName: "fuelmeasure", width: 103, label: "Units", compareVectorsEx(x1,x2){

        } },
    yDimension: [
        { dataName: "salesdate", sortorder: "desc"}//,
        //{ dataName: "salesYear", sorttype: "integer" },
        //{ dataName: "salesMonth", sorttype: "integer" }
    aggregates: [{
        member: "totalnumberofsales",
        template: myIntTemplate,
        formatter:function(cellvalue, options, rowObject){
            if(cellvalue=== undefined){
                return '';

                var x = options.rowData.pivotInfos[options.colModel.name].rows[0].highsalestext;

                    return x;
                    return cellvalue;
        cellattr: function (rowId, cellValue, rawObject, cm, rdata) {
            if (rawObject != null) {
                var items = rawObject.pivotInfos[cm.name];
                if (items != null && items.rows != null && items.rows.length > 0) {
                    var isHigh = true, i;
                    for (i = 0; i < items.rows.length; i++) {
                        if (items.rows[i].highsalestext !== "HIGH") {
                            isHigh = false;
                    if (isHigh) {
                        return "class='high-marker'";
        aggregator: "max"
                 member: "totalnumberofsales",
                 aggregator: "count",
                 //template: "integer",
                 label: "{0}"
             // grid options
    iconSet: "fontAwesome",
    cmTemplate: { autoResizable: true, width: 75 },
    shrinkToFit: false,
    useUnformattedDataForCellAttr: false,
    autoResizing: { compact: true },
    groupingView: {
        groupField: ["x0"],
        groupColumnShow: [false],
        groupText: ["<span class='group-text'>{0}</span>"]
    //width: 450,
    pager: true,
    rowNum: 20,
    caption: "<b>Car sales statistics</b>",
    rowList: [5, 10, 20, 100, "10000:All"]

根据此维基 suppress auto sort 在维基底部的 jqpivot 官方维基上,它指出:

Custom sorting by the whole x or y vector

The options compareVectorsByX and compareVectorsByY allows to specify callback function which will be used for custom sorting by the whole x or y vector.

The default implementation of sorting by the vector can be found here. It's compareVectorsEx method of ArrayOfFieldsets. It's important to understand that the function will be used for two purpose: 1) compare the vectors 2) finding the index of the vectors where there are differences in the compared vectors. So the method compareVectorsEx returns object with two properties: index and result. The property result is well known value -1, which means that the first vector is less then the second one, 0, means the vectors are equal to, 1, which means that the first vector is greater then the second one. The property index returns 0-based index of the element of the compared vectors where the vectors are different.

我已经按照说明添加了功能 compareVectorsEx 但是如何使用该功能停止自动排序?

我必须停止所有 x 字段的自动排序。我需要停止排序的原因是让网格以与原始 json 相同的顺序显示字段品牌和型号。


我修改了原始 json 数据源,使每个 object groupheaderorderchildorder 都有两个属性。 属性groupheaderorderjsonchildorder属性中一个object的属性make的顺序model 属性 for all make names 的顺序。


var data = [{
    "id": 1,
    "make": "toyota",
    "model": "corolla",
    "fuelusagecity": "17",
    "fuelusagehwy": "12",
    "salesaboveavg": false,
    "totalnumberofsales": 120000.0000,
    "highsalestext": null,
    "salesdate": "2010-12-01", 
}, {
    "id": 2,
    "make": "toyota",
    "model": "corolla",
    "fuelusagecity": "10",
    "fuelusagehwy": "14",
    "salesaboveavg": false,
    "totalnumberofsales": 100000.0000,
    "highsalestext": "HIGH",
    "salesdate": "2010-12-15",
}, {
    "id": 3,
    "make": "toyota",
    "model": "belta",
    "fuelusagecity": "15",
    "fuelusagehwy": "10",
    "salesaboveavg": true,
    "totalnumberofsales": 200000.0000,
    "highsalestext": null,
    "salesdate": "2011-01-10",
}, {
    "id": 4,
    "make": "toyota",
    "model": "camry",
    "fuelusagecity": "13",
    "fuelusagehwy": "10",
    "salesaboveavg": false,
    "totalnumberofsales": 300000.0000,
    "highsalestext": "HIGH",
    "salesdate": "2011-04-23",
}, {
    "id": 5,
    "make": "nissan",
    "model": "skyline",
    "fuelusagecity": "14",
    "fuelusagehwy": "9",
    "salesaboveavg": true,
    "totalnumberofsales": 500000.0000,
    "highsalestext": "HIGH",
    "salesdate": "2010-09-10",
}, {
    "id": 6,
    "make": "nissan",
    "model": "zx300",
    "fuelusagecity": "10",
    "fuelusagehwy": "8",
    "salesaboveavg": false,
    "totalnumberofsales": 400000.0000,
    "highsalestext": null,
    "salesdate": "2012-01-06",

Here is link to the jsfiddle code(这与我原来的代码相同 post 除了添加了新的两个属性)


josn里有三辆丰田和两辆日产。如果您查看 groupheaderorder 号码和 childorder 号码相同的品牌和型号,它们具有 相同的值 但是对于不同的品牌和型号它们有不同的值。所以groupheaderorderchildheaderorder的组合是对于品牌和型号的不同组合,始终是独一无二的。我认为这可能是一个很好的选择,可以为 grouptext他们的 children 提供自定义排序顺序,因为它们保留并显示他们的 原始排序顺序

原始数据来自我无法在存储过程代码中修改的存储过程,令人生畏的是,返回的结果集甚至没有用于排序的列。因此,在我从 ASP MVC 构建的网络应用程序中,在其控制器逻辑中,我唯一的选择是添加这两个排序属性,以便它们将包含在 json.


应该对您的代码做一些小改动。首先应该删除 skipSortByX: true 选项,不需要更多。几秒钟后,我们应该使用排序所需的 groupheaderorderchildorder 属性扩展 xVector。我们不会显示列,因此我们可以使用 additionalProperty: true 属性 作为列。结果我们可以使用以下 xDimension:

xDimension: [
    { /*x0*/ dataName: "make", width: 100, label: "Make" },
    { /*x1*/ dataName: "model", width: 100, label: "Model", align: "center", skipGrouping:true },
    { /*x2*/ dataName: "fuelmeasure", width: 103, label: "Units", skipGrouping:true },
    { /*x3*/ dataName: "groupheaderorder", additionalProperty: true },
    { /*x4*/ dataName: "childorder", additionalProperty: true }

我添加了注释,它描述了 属性 的名称(索引):make 属性 在 x 向量中的索引为 0,model 属性 将具有索引 1,... childorder 属性 将具有索引 4.

最终的 jqGrid 将具有输入 data,其属性为 x0x1、...、x4,对应于列。要使列 "make" 和 "model"(x0x1)可基于 groupheaderorderchildorder 排序,我们可以添加 sorttype回调到前两列。结果我们得到

xDimension: [
    { /*x0*/ dataName: "make", width: 100, label: "Make",
        sorttype: function (cellValue, item) {
            return parseInt(item.x3, 10);
        } },
    { /*x1*/ dataName: "model", width: 100, label: "Model", align: "center", skipGrouping:true,
        sorttype: function (cellValue, item) {
            return parseInt(item.x4, 10);
    { /*x2*/ dataName: "fuelmeasure", width: 103, label: "Units", skipGrouping:true },
    { /*x3*/ dataName: "groupheaderorder", additionalProperty: true },
    { /*x4*/ dataName: "childorder", additionalProperty: true }

最后我们需要实现compareVectorsByX回调,它可以用来按X-vector对数据进行排序。回调 compareVectorsByX 有两个参数,它们将是源数据中的 x 项,例如 x1 = ["toyota", "corolla", "Litre", "1", "1"]2 = ["toyota", "belta", "Litre", "1", "2"]。回调应该 return 具有两个属性的对象:indexresult。结果是 -1、0 或 1,这在数字比较中大家都知道。 index 是 x 数组中的索引,其中找到 x1x2 之间的差异,比较哪个。在上面的例子中,找到 x 数组的第二个元素的差异(第二个元素的索引为 1)。我们根据最后一个 ("childorder") 值比较 "corolla""belta":通过比较 "1""2"。因此 compareVectorsByX 回调应该 return { index: 1, result: -1 } 以上选项。通用代码如下:

compareVectorsByX: function (x1, x2) {
    // x1 = ["toyota", "corolla", "Litre", "1", "1"],
    // x2 = ["toyota", "belta", "Litre", "1", "2"]
    var groupheaderorder1 = parseInt(x1[3], 10), childorder1 = parseInt(x1[4], 10),
        groupheaderorder2 = parseInt(x2[3], 10), childorder2 = parseInt(x2[4], 10);
    if (groupheaderorder1 !== groupheaderorder2) {
        return { index: 0, result: groupheaderorder1 - groupheaderorder2 };
    if (childorder1 !== childorder2) {
        return { index: 1, result: childorder1 - childorder2 };
    return {
        index: -1,
        result: 0
