在 Fabric Answers 中,事件在离线时会存储多长时间?
In Fabric Answers, how long will events be stored when offline?
我正在开发一个可以长时间与网络断开连接的移动应用程序,但我们仍然希望能够收集统计数据并包含结果,即使他们的报告明显延迟。我正在查看不同的分析,包括 Twitter 的 Fabric's Answers。
文章Handling Five Billion Sessions A Day In Real Time中说:
To reduce impact on the device, we send analytics events in batches
and compress them before sending. To ensure that valuable data always
gets to our servers, devices retry failed data transfers after a
randomized back-off and up to a disk size limit on the device. To get
events over to the servers as soon as possible, there are several
triggers that cause the device to attempt a transfer: a time trigger
that fires every few minutes when the app is foregrounded, a number of
events trigger and an app going into background trigger.
什么是"disk size limit"?
如果事件太陈旧(例如 Google 的 超过 72 小时),服务器会忽略它们吗?
这里是来自 Fabric 的 Mike。
正如您提到的那样,我们确实有磁盘限制,我们会在其中缓冲事件,并在达到限制时以 FIFO 方法删除它们。何时会发生这种情况取决于每个应用程序会话记录的事件数量。如果您在每个应用会话中记录数百个事件,那么您会比在每个应用会话中记录几个事件更快地达到限制。
我正在开发一个可以长时间与网络断开连接的移动应用程序,但我们仍然希望能够收集统计数据并包含结果,即使他们的报告明显延迟。我正在查看不同的分析,包括 Twitter 的 Fabric's Answers。
文章Handling Five Billion Sessions A Day In Real Time中说:
To reduce impact on the device, we send analytics events in batches and compress them before sending. To ensure that valuable data always gets to our servers, devices retry failed data transfers after a randomized back-off and up to a disk size limit on the device. To get events over to the servers as soon as possible, there are several triggers that cause the device to attempt a transfer: a time trigger that fires every few minutes when the app is foregrounded, a number of events trigger and an app going into background trigger.
什么是"disk size limit"?
如果事件太陈旧(例如 Google 的
这里是来自 Fabric 的 Mike。
正如您提到的那样,我们确实有磁盘限制,我们会在其中缓冲事件,并在达到限制时以 FIFO 方法删除它们。何时会发生这种情况取决于每个应用程序会话记录的事件数量。如果您在每个应用会话中记录数百个事件,那么您会比在每个应用会话中记录几个事件更快地达到限制。