
How to attach and remove an event handler programmatically

有没有一种简单明了的方法可以将这两个函数写成一个函数而不重复。我想我想以编程方式设置 on/off 方法。

function attachEventHandler(){
      ajaxStart: function() {
      ajaxStop: function() {

function removeEventHandler(){
      ajaxStart: function() {
      ajaxStop: function() {

您可以使用 .on() 将一个函数绑定到多个事件:

$('#element').on('keyup keypress blur change', function(e) {
// e.type is the type of event fired


var myFunction = function() {



var handlers = {
      ajaxStart: function() {
      ajaxStop: function() {

function attachEventHandler(toggle){
   // here we are selecting the 'on' or 'off'
   // property of the $(document) jquery element
   // depending on whether the toggle is true or
   // false. Because the 'on' and 'off' props are
   // functions, we can call the property with
   // `handlers` as the argument
   $(document)[toggle ? 'on' : 'off'](handlers);


attachEventHandler(true) // turn on
attachEventHandler(false) // turn off