ddply错误? (将组内计算的 lm 残差添加回原始数据框)

ddply bug? (Adding lm residuals computed within groups back to the original data frame)

我有一个带有因子 (grpfactor) 的数据框。我的目标是在每个组内分别计算拟合 lm 模型的残差,并将它们存储在原始数据框中。


我找到了 this answer

  ddply(d,.(g1,g2),transform,z= predict(lm(y ~ x)))


d <- data.frame(x = rnorm(20), 
            y = rnorm(20), 
            g1 = c(rep('a', 10), rep('b', 10)), 
            g2 = rep(c(rep('c', 5), rep('d', 5)), 2))

myfunc = function(d) {
xx = "y ~ x"
retval = ddply(d,.(g1,g2),transform,z= predict(lm(as.formula(xx))))

# This fails:
d.new = myfunc(d)

# With the error:
#Error: error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a 
#method for function 'predict': Error in as.formula(xx) : object 'xx' not 

# But this works, because it's not encased in a function:
xx = "y ~ x"
retval = ddply(d,.(g1,g2),transform,z= predict(lm(as.formula(xx))))

#Now, with the variable "xx" defined two lines above this line, 
#the following will actually work now:
d.new = myfunc(d)

#But if we do this, it will fail again:
d.new = myfunc(d)

#ddply works inside a function, but only with a model specified 
#as a literal string:
myfunc2 = function(d) {
retval = ddply(d,.(g1,g2),transform,z= predict(lm(formula=as.formula("y ~ x"))))
d.new2 = myfunc2(d)

顺便说一句,没有 as.formula,myfunc2 失败并显示错误:

#Error: error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method 
#for function 'predict': Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'y' 
#not found

但是如果不在函数中,相同的代码在没有 as.formula 的情况下也能正常工作。


编辑:好的,这就是真正疯狂的地方:这有效(不同之处在于,我在父环境中使用 <<- 定义模型)

 myfunc3 = function(d) {
 xx <<- "y ~ x"
 retval = ddply(d,.(g1,g2),transform,z= predict(lm(as.formula(xx))))


Error: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

因为当ddply尝试在全局环境之前在本地环境中解析t。事实上,它找到了转置函数(闭包)t 而不是你的全局变量 t。 您只需要更改为其他 R 内置函数(t、c、..)。例如,这将起作用:

xx <- "y ~ x"


d <- data.frame(x = rnorm(20), 
                y = rnorm(20), 
                g1 = c(rep('a', 10), rep('b', 10)), 
                g2 = rep(c(rep('c', 5), rep('d', 5)), 2))
xx <- "y ~ x"
ddply(d,.(g1,g2),transform,z= predict(lm(as.formula(xx))))

#            x           y g1 g2           z
# 1 -0.2066509 -0.74159051  a  c -0.21886198
# 2 -0.9801753  1.38958373  a  c  0.62214098
# 3 -0.4626821  0.48195967  a  c  0.05950415
# 4  1.2255134 -1.72809777  a  c -1.77596158
# 5 -1.0922717  0.02898265  a  c  0.74401621
# 6 -1.4379229  0.96377879  a  d  0.18312800