RequireJS 捆绑包在优化器中失败 - "modules share the same URL"

RequireJS bundles fail in optimizer - "modules share the same URL"


RequireJS 优化器不喜欢我在模块上定义 bundle 定义,但如果我不定义 bundle 也找不到模块。


我在尝试使用 requirejs 优化器时遇到以下错误:

Error: Module loading did not complete for: scripts/simulation.bundle, app_mini, testservice
   The following modules share the same URL. This could be a misconfiguration if that URL only has one anonymous module in it:
   .../web/dist/scripts/app.bundle.js: app_mini, testservice

我实际上是在使用 grunt-contrib-requirejs 来优化我的 js 脚本以用于生产。在添加 simulator.bundle


我有 3 个捆绑包:

这是 requirejs grunt 任务的 modules 选项

    name: 'scripts/vendor.bundle',
    exclude: [],
    override: {
      paths: {
        angular: 'bower/angular/angular',
        jquery: 'bower/jquery/dist/jquery',
        ngRoute: "bower/angular-route/angular-route"
      shim: {
        angular: {
          exports: 'angular',
          deps: ['jquery'] // make jquery dependency - angular will replace jquery lite with full jquery
        bundles: {
          'scripts/app.bundle': ['app_mini', 'testservice'],
    name: 'scripts/simulation.bundle',
    exclude: [],
    override: {
      paths: {},
      shim: {},
      bundles: {
        'scripts/vendor.bundle': ['angular', 'jquery'],
        'scripts/app.bundle': ['app_mini', 'testservice']
    name: 'scripts/app.bundle',
    exclude: ['scripts/vendor.bundle'],
    override: {
      paths: {
        app_mini: 'scripts/',
        testservice: 'scripts/features/test.service'
      shim: {},
      bundles: {
        'scripts/vendor.bundle': ['angular', 'jquery']


simulation.bundle 中的包似乎是问题所在。但是,如果我删除它们,则找不到文件:

>> Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
>> '...\web\dist\app_mini.js'
>> In module tree:
>>     scripts/simulation.bundle

simulation.bundle 只是一个虚拟模块,正在加载 angularapp_mini:

define(['app_mini', 'angular'], function(app_mini, angular) {
    // nothing here




Bundle 配置仅适用于 requireJS,不适用于优化器!

我在配置中定义的包导致模块共享相同的错误 url。


例如,app_mini 应该进入 app.bundle,但因为它在 simulation.bundle 中是必需的,所以它会被包含在那里,因为排除 app.bundle 不是yet possible(目前还没有优化),我们需要直接排除app_mini


paths: {
    angular: 'bower/angular/angular',
    jquery: 'bower/jquery/dist/jquery',
    ngRoute: "bower/angular-route/angular-route"
    app_mini: 'scripts/',
    testservice: 'scripts/features/test.service'
shim: {
    angular: {
        exports: 'angular',
        deps: ['jquery'] // make jquery dependency - angular will replace jquery lite with full jquery

modules: [
        name: 'scripts/vendor.bundle',
        exclude: [],
        name: 'scripts/simulation.bundle',
        exclude: [`app_mini`],
        name: 'scripts/app.bundle',
        exclude: ['scripts/vendor.bundle'],