Cmd 到 powershell 替换 - 特殊字符

Cmd to powershell replace - special character

我正在创建一个脚本,它将复制一个文件,重命名它,然后查看内部以删除某些特殊字符。这些特殊字符之一是我无法用键复制的某种 ASCII 撇号。虽然我可以复制和粘贴它,但是替换功能不起作用。

打开文件 > 搜索奇怪的撇号 ’ 并替换为空。我想用普通的撇号代替它,但我不知道这是怎么做到的,目前最大的问题是我无法将它变成 "see" 这个奇怪的撇号我正在修改的自动生成的文件。非常感谢任何帮助。谢谢:)




        @echo off

    set YYMMDD=%DATE:~-2,2%%DATE:~-7,2%%DATE:~-10,2%
    set DDMMYYYY=%DATE:~-10,2%%DATE:~-7,2%%DATE:~-4,4%
    set YYYY-MM-DD=%DATE:~-4,4%-%DATE:~-7,2%-%DATE:~-10,2%

powershell -Command "(gc 'C:\LOCATION\Client_List_%DDMMYYYY%.csv') -replace '’', '' | Out-File 'C:\LOCATION\Client_List_%DDMMYYYY%.csv'"

    Echo Done



$text = "Weird ’ Normal ' Backtick ` Weird ’ "


Weird  Normal ' Backtick Weird


powershell -Command "(gc 'C:\LOCATION\Client_List_%DDMMYYYY%.csv').replace('’’', '') |
 Out-File 'C:\LOCATION\Client_List_%DDMMYYYY%.csv'"


set "fileIn=C:\LOCATION\Client_List_%DDMMYYYY%.csv"
set "fileOu=C:\LOCATION\Client_List_%DDMMYYYY%.csv"
powershell -c "(gc '%fileIn%').Replace('‘‘','').Replace('’’','')|Out-File '%fileOu%'"


Get-Help 'about_Quoting_Rules'

Quotation marks are used to specify a literal string. You can enclose a string in single quotation marks (') or double quotation marks (").

事实上,PowerShell 接受两个不同的 引号:

  • 双引号"
  • 单引号'

AFAIK,大多数 Windows ANSI 代码页(1252、1250、1257、1253、1251、1254、1255、1256、 1258) 所以它们可以在 ANSI-保存的 .bat 脚本中按字面意义使用 - 除了后面的引号 U+201B Single High -Reversed-9 引号。在这种情况下,使用 $([char]0x201B) 而不是 '‛‛',如下所示:

rem        cast [char] to `[string]`    ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
powershell -c "(gc '%fileIn%').Replace( [string]$([char]0x201B) , '')"
rem                                             ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑


rem [char] can't be empty so specify `[string]`           ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
powershell -c "(gc '%fileIn%').Replace( $([char]0x201B) , [string]'')"
rem                                     ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑


下一个 PowerShell 代码片段显示了 Unicode 数据库的摘录(字符名称以 Quotation Mark 结尾或包含 Apostrophe):

PS D:> 0x22,0x27,0x00AB,0x00BB,0x2018,0x2019,0x201A,0x201B,0x201C,0x201D,0x201E,0x201F,
  0x2039,0x203A,0x2E42,0x301D,0x301E,0x301F,0x055A | Get-CharInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize

Char CodePoint                Category Description                               
---- ---------                -------- -----------                               
   " U+0022           OtherPunctuation Quotation Mark                            
   ' U+0027           OtherPunctuation Apostrophe                                
   « U+00AB    InitialQuotePunctuation Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark 
   » U+00BB      FinalQuotePunctuation Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
   ‘ U+2018    InitialQuotePunctuation Left Single Quotation Mark                
   ’ U+2019      FinalQuotePunctuation Right Single Quotation Mark               
   ‚ U+201A            OpenPunctuation Single Low-9 Quotation Mark               
   ‛ U+201B    InitialQuotePunctuation Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark     
   “ U+201C    InitialQuotePunctuation Left Double Quotation Mark                
   ” U+201D      FinalQuotePunctuation Right Double Quotation Mark               
   „ U+201E            OpenPunctuation Double Low-9 Quotation Mark               
   ‟ U+201F    InitialQuotePunctuation Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark     
   ‹ U+2039    InitialQuotePunctuation Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark 
   › U+203A      FinalQuotePunctuation Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
   ⹂ U+2E42           OtherNotAssigned Undefined                                 
   〝 U+301D            OpenPunctuation Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark      
   〞 U+301E           ClosePunctuation Double Prime Quotation Mark               
   〟 U+301F           ClosePunctuation Low Double Prime Quotation Mark           
   ՚ U+055A           OtherPunctuation Armenian Apostrophe                       

(修改后的 Get-CharInfo cmdlet 的输出。)原始 Get-CharInfo 模块可从 下载。

下一个 PowerShell 脚本通过显示一些有效(在我的语言环境中无效)的引号组合来完成上述结果:

$arrSingleQuotes = 
 ''' U+0027 Apostrophe '''                                ,
 ‘‘‘ U+2018 Left Single Quotation Mark ‘‘‘                ,
 ’’’ U+2019 Right Single Quotation Mark ’’’               ,
 ‚‚‚ U+201A Single Low-9 Quotation Mark ‚‚‚               ,
 ‛‛‛ U+201B Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark ‛‛‛     ,
 ‘‘‘ U+2018 (Left/Right) Single Quotation Mark U+2019 ’’’ ,
 ’’’ U+2019 (Right/Left) Single Quotation Mark U+2018 ‘‘‘
'$arrSingleQuotes (any combination)'

$arrDoubleQoutes = 
 """ U+0022 Quotation Mark """                            ,
 “““ U+201C Left Double Quotation Mark “““                ,
 ””” U+201D Right Double Quotation Mark ”””               ,
 „„„ U+201E Double Low-9 Quotation Mark „„„               ,
 “““ U+201C (Left/Right) Double Quotation Mark U+201D ””” ,
 ””” U+201D (Right/Left) Double Quotation Mark U+201C “““
'$arrDoubleQoutes (any combination)'

$noQuotes = @"
 « U+00AB Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
 » U+00BB Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
 ‟ U+201F Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
 ‹ U+2039 Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
 › U+203A Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
〝 U+301D Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark
 〞U+301E Double Prime Quotation Mark
 〟U+301F Low Double Prime Quotation Mark
 ՚ U+055A Armenian Apostrophe                       


PS D:> D:\PShell\SO488245_quotes.ps1

$arrSingleQuotes (any combination)
' U+0027 Apostrophe '
‘ U+2018 Left Single Quotation Mark ‘
’ U+2019 Right Single Quotation Mark ’
‚ U+201A Single Low-9 Quotation Mark ‚
‛ U+201B Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark ‛
‘ U+2018 (Left/Right) Single Quotation Mark U+2019 ’
’ U+2019 (Right/Left) Single Quotation Mark U+2018 ‘

$arrDoubleQoutes (any combination)
" U+0022 Quotation Mark "
“ U+201C Left Double Quotation Mark “
” U+201D Right Double Quotation Mark ”
„ U+201E Double Low-9 Quotation Mark „
“ U+201C (Left/Right) Double Quotation Mark U+201D ”
” U+201D (Right/Left) Double Quotation Mark U+201C “

 « U+00AB Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
 » U+00BB Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
 ‟ U+201F Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
 ‹ U+2039 Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
 › U+203A Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
〝 U+301D Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark
 〞U+301E Double Prime Quotation Mark
 〟U+301F Low Double Prime Quotation Mark
 ՚ U+055A Armenian Apostrophe                       

请注意,⹂ U+2E42 DOUBLE LOW-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK 存在于 Unicode 数据库中,并在 PowerShell ISE 中正确呈现。

附录:我找到了更多 引号 的候选者(仅显示 resultExcerpt_From_UnicodeDataTxt.ps1 脚本):

PS > $x = .\tests\Excerpt_From_UnicodeDataTxt.ps1 -SearchString "Quotation|Apostrophe" | 
    Where-Object {$_.Category -match 'Punctuation'}

PS > $x.Count

PS > $x

Char CodePoint Category                   Description                                       
---- --------- --------                   -----------                                       
   " U+0022    Po-OtherPunctuation        Quotation Mark                                    
   ' U+0027    Po-OtherPunctuation        Apostrophe                                        
   « U+00AB    Pi-InitialQuotePunctuation Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark         
   » U+00BB    Pf-FinalQuotePunctuation   Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark        
   ՚ U+055A    Po-OtherPunctuation        Armenian Apostrophe                               
   ‘ U+2018    Pi-InitialQuotePunctuation Left Single Quotation Mark                        
   ’ U+2019    Pf-FinalQuotePunctuation   Right Single Quotation Mark                       
   ‚ U+201A    Ps-OpenPunctuation         Single Low-9 Quotation Mark                       
   ‛ U+201B    Pi-InitialQuotePunctuation Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark             
   “ U+201C    Pi-InitialQuotePunctuation Left Double Quotation Mark                        
   ” U+201D    Pf-FinalQuotePunctuation   Right Double Quotation Mark                       
   „ U+201E    Ps-OpenPunctuation         Double Low-9 Quotation Mark                       
   ‟ U+201F    Pi-InitialQuotePunctuation Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark             
   ‹ U+2039    Pi-InitialQuotePunctuation Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark         
   › U+203A    Pf-FinalQuotePunctuation   Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark        
   ❮ U+276E    Ps-OpenPunctuation         Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament 
   ❯ U+276F    Pe-ClosePunctuation        Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament
   ⹂ U+2E42    Ps-OpenPunctuation         Undefined                                         
   〝 U+301D    Ps-OpenPunctuation         Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark              
   〞 U+301E    Pe-ClosePunctuation        Double Prime Quotation Mark                       
   〟 U+301F    Pe-ClosePunctuation        Low Double Prime Quotation Mark                   
   " U+FF02    Po-OtherPunctuation        Fullwidth Quotation Mark                          
   ' U+FF07    Po-OtherPunctuation        Fullwidth Apostrophe