如何禁用"Contact a Board Administrator"?

How to disable "Contact a Board Administrator"?

页面 /forum/memberlist.php?mode=contactadmin 指向允许访客发送垃圾邮件的页面。

如何在 phpBB 3 中完全禁用此 "Contact a Board Administrator" 功能?


Hello Administrator,

The following is an e-mail sent to you through the administration contact page on "xxx".

The message was sent from a guest who specified the following contact information: Name: Barnypok E-mail address: jfvynms4281rt@hotmail.com IP Address: 188.143.x.x

Message sent to you follows

zd9hNf Link deleted.

解决方法是转至 ACP(管理控制面板)> 联系页面设置 > 启用联系页面 > 禁用。