从 Clojure 中的 JSoup 文档中删除元素的最佳方法是什么(java 可变对象互操作性)?
What is the best way to delete elements from a JSoup Document in Clojure (java mutable object interoperability)?
完全是 Clojure 初学者。你如何在 Clojure 中访问变异的 jsoup 文档?我有下面的代码,我想打印出更改后的 html 而不是正在删除的链接。
(defn get-page []
(.get (org.jsoup.Jsoup/connect "https://example.com")))
(defn -main
"Fetch the page, delete links, and print out the html of the modified page"
[& args]
(let [html (get-page)]
(println (.remove (.select html "a[href]")))))
@cfrick 在评论中回答了这个问题,所以我将其扩展为一个示例以使其更清楚。
让我们更改 -main
以在更改前后打印 html
(defn -main
"Fetch the page, delete links, and print out the html of the modified page"
[& args]
(let [html (get-page)]
(println "html before modification")
(println html)
(.remove (.select html "a[href]"))
(println "html after modification")
(println html)))
完全是 Clojure 初学者。你如何在 Clojure 中访问变异的 jsoup 文档?我有下面的代码,我想打印出更改后的 html 而不是正在删除的链接。
(defn get-page []
(.get (org.jsoup.Jsoup/connect "https://example.com")))
(defn -main
"Fetch the page, delete links, and print out the html of the modified page"
[& args]
(let [html (get-page)]
(println (.remove (.select html "a[href]")))))
@cfrick 在评论中回答了这个问题,所以我将其扩展为一个示例以使其更清楚。
让我们更改 -main
以在更改前后打印 html
(defn -main
"Fetch the page, delete links, and print out the html of the modified page"
[& args]
(let [html (get-page)]
(println "html before modification")
(println html)
(.remove (.select html "a[href]"))
(println "html after modification")
(println html)))