raspberrypi ImportError: No module named servicebus

raspberrypi ImportError: No module named servicebus

我在 运行 python Azure ServiceBus 脚本时收到此错误。


pi@raspberrypi:~/letsroll $ python mrrobot.py

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mrrobot.py", line 6, in <module>
    from azure.servicebus import ServiceBusService
ImportError: No module named servicebus

Azure SDK 路径: pi@raspberrypi:~/azure-sdk-for-python $

Python 脚本路径:

pi@raspberrypi:~/letsroll $ ls



import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #For Controlling the Pins
import threading #To Run On Thread
import sys
import select
from azure.servicebus import ServiceBusService
import os

# Make sure you set the following:
AZURE_SERVICEBUS_NAMESPACE='mrrobot' #Your NameSpace Should Go Here
# Note: this user should have manage rights
GPIO_BCM_PIN = 17 #Pin your LED is connected to

您的 Python 解释器没有找到包。可能有以下几个原因:

  • 您没有正确安装 SDK(文件丢失)。您可以直接使用 pip,"git clone" 来自 repo,或者 copy/pasting 来自 PyPI 的 "azure-servicebus" zip 并解压。由于您没有共享 pi@raspberrypi:~/azure-sdk-for-python 文件夹的内容,因此我无法判断。如果您手动安装代码,请不要忘记依赖项。
  • 您的包路径没有明确定义。同样,可以通过定义 PYTHONPATH or changing your sys.path
  • 等多种方式进行修复