应用程序脚本 G 套件用户的电子邮件配额

Email quota for app scripts G suite users

这是我在 google 表单中使用的简单应用程序脚本:

function onFormSubmit(event) 
  var x = MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota();

我刚刚注册了 G 套件的免费试用版。 在此 link 中提到 G Suite 用户每天收到 1500 封电子邮件。


但是当我 运行 上面的脚本在调试模式下检查 x 的值时得到它作为 100(这是普通帐户的限制)

试用用户有这个限制吗?或者我还需要做些什么才能将 google 表单与 G Suite 帐户相关联? 我已经使用 google 驱动器中的这个 G 套件帐户创建了表单。


是的,G Suite 试用帐户有较低的限制


来自Gmail sending limits in G Suite

Increase your limits by ending your free trial

Some limits are specific to trial accounts. At the end of your free trial period, those limits will be automatically increased when your domain is cumulatively billed for at least USD 30 (or the same amount in your currency). If you purchased your domain from Google, the amount required to increase your sending limits is USD 30 plus the cost of your domain.

If you want to increase your limits sooner, you can end your free trial and pay the amount now. For instructions, see Make a manual payment. It can take up to 48 hours to upgrade the limits after you submit the payment.

Important: While you're still in your trial period, your sending limits will not be increased.