lin 的留一法 CV 实现。回归

Leave-One-Out CV implementation for lin. regression

我正在 cafe 数据集上构建线性回归,我想通过计算留一法交叉验证来验证结果。

我为此编写了自己的函数,如果我对所有数据都拟合 lm(),该函数就可以工作,但是当我使用列的子集(来自逐步回归)时,我收到了一个错误。考虑以下代码:

cafe <- read.table("C:/.../cafedata.txt", header=T)

cafe$Date <- as.Date(cafe$Date, format="%d/%m/%Y")

#Delete row 34
cafe <- cafe[-c(34), ]
#wont need date
cafe <- cafe[,-1]

#center the data
cafe.c <- data.frame(lapply(cafe[,2:15], function(x) scale(x, center = FALSE, scale = max(x, na.rm = TRUE))))
cafe.c$Day.of.Week <- cafe$Day.of.Week
cafe.c$Sales <- cafe$Sales

#Leave-One-Out CrossValidation function
LOOCV <- function(fit, dataset){
  # Attributes:
  # fit: Fit of the model
  # dataset: Dataset to be used
  # -----------------------------
  # Returns mean of squared errors for each fold - MSE

  for (idx in 1:nrow(dataset)){
    train <- dataset[-c(idx),]
    test <- dataset[idx,]

    MSEP_[idx]<-(predict(fit, newdata = test) -  dataset[idx,]$Sales)^2


#----------------Simple Linear regression with all attributes-----------------
fit.all.c <- lm(cafe.c$Sales ~., data=cafe.c)

LOOCV(fit.all.c, cafe.c)

然而,当我仅对列的子集拟合相同的 lm() 时,我得到一个错误:

#-------------------------Linear Stepwise regression--------------------------
step <- stepAIC(fit.all.c, direction="both")

fit.step <- lm(cafe.c$Sales ~ cafe.c$Bread.Sand.Sold + cafe.c$Bread.Sand.Waste
               + cafe.c$Wraps.Waste + cafe.c$Muffins.Sold 
               + cafe.c$Muffins.Waste + cafe.c$Fruit.Cup.Sold 
               + cafe.c$Chips + cafe.c$Sodas + cafe.c$Coffees 
               + cafe.c$Day.of.Week,data=cafe.c)

LOOCV(fit.step, cafe.c)


There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)


idx <- 1
train <- cafe.c[-c(idx)]
test <- cafe.c[idx]

(predict(fit.step, newdata = test) -cafe.c[idx]$Sales)^2

我得到所有行的 MSE 和一个错误:

Warning message: 'newdata' had 1 row but variables found have 47 rows


我发现了 this 关于错误的问题,它说当我给列指定不同的名称时会发生此错误,但事实并非如此。


fit.step <- lm(Sales ~ Bread.Sand.Sold + Bread.Sand.Waste
               + Wraps.Waste + Muffins.Sold 
               + Muffins.Waste + Fruit.Cup.Sold 
               + Chips + Sodas + Coffees 
               + Day.of.Week,data=cafe.c)

LOOCV(fit.step, cafe.c)
# [1] 278.8984

idx <- 1
train <- cafe.c[-c(idx),]
test <- cafe.c[idx,] # need to select the row, not the column

(predict(fit.step, newdata = test) -cafe.c[idx,]$Sales)^2
#    1 
# 51.8022 

此外,您 LOOCV 实施不正确。每次都必须在留一折叠的训练数据集上拟合一个新模型。现在你在整个数据集上训练模型一次,并使用相同的 single 模型来计算每个留一折叠的保留测试数据集的 MSE,但理想情况下你应该在不同的训练数据集上训练不同的模型。