使用 Hibernate 对 @OneToMany 包关系的多个引用

Multiple references to @OneToMany bag relationships using Hibernate

我有以下 (1:n) 关系:SchoolClass -> Students。 SchoolClass可以有多个学生,Student只能分配给一个SchoolClass。在 Hibernate (SchoolClass class) 中,我有以下内容:

    private transient List students;

     * @return Returns students.
     * @hibernate.bag lazy="true" cascade="all" where="(graduated_with_honors=0)" 
     * @hibernate.collection-key column="class_id"
     * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="my.project.namespace.Student"
    public List getStudents() {
        if (students == null) {
            students = new Vector();
        return students;

现在,我想创建另一种方法,列出 SchoolClass 的所有学生(还有以优异成绩毕业的学生,​​所以 graduated_with_honors 可以是 0 或 1).我试过以下:

    private transient List students, allStudents;

     * @return Returns students.
     * @hibernate.bag lazy="true" cascade="all" where="(graduated_with_honors=0)" 
     * @hibernate.collection-key column="class_id"
     * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="my.project.namespace.Student"
    public List getStudents() {
        if (students == null) {
            students = new Vector();
        return students;

     * @return Returns students.
     * @hibernate.bag lazy="true" cascade="all" 
     * @hibernate.collection-key column="class_id"
     * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="my.project.namespace.Student"
    public List getAllStudents() {
        if (allStudents == null) {
            allStudents = new Vector();
        return allStudents;

但这不是好方法,因为现在我们有 两个集合正在修改一个 table(它会抛出 hibernate found shared references to a collection 异常) .

有人知道怎么做吗?或者,有没有办法,如何在@hibernate.bag where子句中插入一个参数,这样我们就可以根据情况更改where子句?



private transient List students;

- 这必须保持不变,我必须保持原样。


  1. 集合应始终不可为空:

    private List<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
  2. 为什么使用 Vector 而不是 ListVector 是同步的,而 ArrayList 不是。你真的要同时使用一个实体吗?

  3. 您不能使用java中保留的术语class,所以也许最好将其重命名为Course

  4. graduated_with_honors 关系最好用 Student class.

    private boolean graduatedWithHonor;


Course course = ...;

List<Student> honourableStudents = entityManager.createQuery(
        "select s " +
        "from Student s " +
        "where s.graduatedWithHonor = true " +
        "and s.course = :course", Student.class)
.setParameter("course", course)