Google Marketplace 许可证 api 突然不起作用

Google Marketplace license api suddenly does not work

从大约 5:30 UTC 开始,我们仅收到此 api 呼叫的此响应{appId}/{customer}

{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"forbidden","message" :"Not authorized to access the application ID"}],"code":403,"message":"Not authorized to access the application ID"}}



此问题现在应该由 Google 解决。

如果您仍然遇到 403 Forbidden 市场上的 API 来电,请确保您正在关注这些 guidelines

Access to these APIs is restricted: only project members of the Developer Console project associated with your application may use the API. Specifically, these project members must be in Can Edit or Is Owner roles. You may also access UserLicense and CustomerLicense as the logged in user to your app. Refer to to learn how to add members to your project.

例如,通过使用 Google 云平台项目中的服务帐户为您的应用程序执行 API 请求,而无需使用任何 impersonation/delegation。