How do I break the string in output into 2 parts in this assembly code
所以我想将 break "The nth term in Fibonacci Series is " 字符串分成两部分:
"The " 和 "th term in Fibonacci Series is ",打印第一个字符串,然后打印 n 的值(比如使用 WriteInt),然后打印第二个字符串。
这是我现在的输出(假设我输入了 4 作为输入):
Display Fibonacci Series
Enter number of fibonacci series terms: 4
Fibonacci Series is
Sum of Fibnoacci Series = 4
Press any key to continue...
Display Fibonacci Series
Enter the number in fibonacci sequence number: 4
The 4th sequence in Fibonacci Series is
Press any key to continue...
f(n-2)/2 + f(n-1) * 2
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
; insert variables here
dPrevious DWORD 0
dCurrent DWORD 1
dNext DWORD 1
dNumberOfTerms DWORD 0
dSum DWORD 0
msg1 BYTE "Enter the Fibonacci sequence number : ",0 ; A null-terminated string
msg2a BYTE "The ", 0
msg2b BYTE "th term in Fibonacci Series is ", 0
msg3 BYTE "th term in Fibonacci Series is ", WriteString
msg4 BYTE "Error: Fibonacci Series must have at least 2 numbers",0
; insert all executable statements here
main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET msgFibonacciSeries ; "Display Fibonacci Series and Sum of Fibonacci Series in Assembly Language "
call WriteString ; Display a null-terminated string.
call Crlf ; Writes an end-of-line sequence to the console window.
mov edx, OFFSET msg1 ; "Enter Number of Fibonacci Series Terms : "
call WriteString ; Display a null-terminated string.
call ReadInt ; Input a 32-bit signed decimal integer
; from the keyboard and save in EAX.
mov dNumberOfTerms, eax
mov ebx,dWords
cmp ebx,1 ; compare EBX and 1
jle Error ; jump if Less than or equal (<=)
mov edx, OFFSET msg2a ; "Fibonacci Series is "
call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET msg2b
call Crlf ; Writes an end-of-line sequence to the console window.
mov eax,dPrevious
call WriteDec ; Display an unsigned 32-bit integer value
; in EAX in decimal format.
call Crlf
mov ecx,dNumberOfTerms ; ECX initialize with Number Of Terms
sub ecx,2 ; Exclude First Two Terms
cmp ecx,0 ; compare EBX and 0
je showSum ; jump if equal (=)
mov ebx,dPrevious
add ebx,dCurrent
mov dNext,ebx
mov eax,DNext
cmp ecx,1
jne ffff
;add dSum,eax
loop L1
jmp next
mov edx, OFFSET msg4 ; "Error: Fibonacci Series Contain at least 2 number of terms"
call WriteString
cmp eax,1
call Crlf
call WaitMsg ; Displays a message and waits for a key to be pressed.
exit ; The exit statement (indirectly) calls a predefined
; MS-Windows function that halts the program.
main ENDP ; The ENDP directive marks the end of the main procedure.
END main ; The END directive marks the last line of the program to be assembled.
msg2a BYTE "The ", 0
msg2b BYTE "th term in Fibonacci Series is ", 0
mov edx, OFFSET msg2a ; "Fibonacci Series is "
call WriteString
; ...
; Code here to write out the value of `n`
; ...
mov edx, OFFSET msg2b
call Crlf
如果 n
是 1 或 2,这就不会那么优雅,因为它会说 1th
或 2th
msg2a BYTE "The ", 0
msg2b BYTE "st", 0
msg2c BYTE "nd", 0
msg2d BYTE " term in Fibonacci Series is ", 0
至于将公式从f(n-1) + f(n-2)
修改为f(n-1)*2 + f(n-2)/2
与右移一位相同。它留作另一个练习。如果你查一下,它应该很简单。 :)
所以我想将 break "The nth term in Fibonacci Series is " 字符串分成两部分:
"The " 和 "th term in Fibonacci Series is ",打印第一个字符串,然后打印 n 的值(比如使用 WriteInt),然后打印第二个字符串。
这是我现在的输出(假设我输入了 4 作为输入):
Display Fibonacci Series
Enter number of fibonacci series terms: 4
Fibonacci Series is
Sum of Fibnoacci Series = 4
Press any key to continue...
Display Fibonacci Series
Enter the number in fibonacci sequence number: 4
The 4th sequence in Fibonacci Series is
Press any key to continue...
f(n-2)/2 + f(n-1) * 2
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
; insert variables here
dPrevious DWORD 0
dCurrent DWORD 1
dNext DWORD 1
dNumberOfTerms DWORD 0
dSum DWORD 0
msg1 BYTE "Enter the Fibonacci sequence number : ",0 ; A null-terminated string
msg2a BYTE "The ", 0
msg2b BYTE "th term in Fibonacci Series is ", 0
msg3 BYTE "th term in Fibonacci Series is ", WriteString
msg4 BYTE "Error: Fibonacci Series must have at least 2 numbers",0
; insert all executable statements here
main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET msgFibonacciSeries ; "Display Fibonacci Series and Sum of Fibonacci Series in Assembly Language "
call WriteString ; Display a null-terminated string.
call Crlf ; Writes an end-of-line sequence to the console window.
mov edx, OFFSET msg1 ; "Enter Number of Fibonacci Series Terms : "
call WriteString ; Display a null-terminated string.
call ReadInt ; Input a 32-bit signed decimal integer
; from the keyboard and save in EAX.
mov dNumberOfTerms, eax
mov ebx,dWords
cmp ebx,1 ; compare EBX and 1
jle Error ; jump if Less than or equal (<=)
mov edx, OFFSET msg2a ; "Fibonacci Series is "
call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET msg2b
call Crlf ; Writes an end-of-line sequence to the console window.
mov eax,dPrevious
call WriteDec ; Display an unsigned 32-bit integer value
; in EAX in decimal format.
call Crlf
mov ecx,dNumberOfTerms ; ECX initialize with Number Of Terms
sub ecx,2 ; Exclude First Two Terms
cmp ecx,0 ; compare EBX and 0
je showSum ; jump if equal (=)
mov ebx,dPrevious
add ebx,dCurrent
mov dNext,ebx
mov eax,DNext
cmp ecx,1
jne ffff
;add dSum,eax
loop L1
jmp next
mov edx, OFFSET msg4 ; "Error: Fibonacci Series Contain at least 2 number of terms"
call WriteString
cmp eax,1
call Crlf
call WaitMsg ; Displays a message and waits for a key to be pressed.
exit ; The exit statement (indirectly) calls a predefined
; MS-Windows function that halts the program.
main ENDP ; The ENDP directive marks the end of the main procedure.
END main ; The END directive marks the last line of the program to be assembled.
msg2a BYTE "The ", 0
msg2b BYTE "th term in Fibonacci Series is ", 0
mov edx, OFFSET msg2a ; "Fibonacci Series is "
call WriteString
; ...
; Code here to write out the value of `n`
; ...
mov edx, OFFSET msg2b
call Crlf
如果 n
是 1 或 2,这就不会那么优雅,因为它会说 1th
或 2th
msg2a BYTE "The ", 0
msg2b BYTE "st", 0
msg2c BYTE "nd", 0
msg2d BYTE " term in Fibonacci Series is ", 0
至于将公式从f(n-1) + f(n-2)
修改为f(n-1)*2 + f(n-2)/2
与右移一位相同。它留作另一个练习。如果你查一下,它应该很简单。 :)