使用 strptime 将字符串转换为具有时区偏移的 python 日期类型对象

Convert string to python date type object with timezone offset using strptime

使用 strptime 将此字符串 Tue Jan 10 2017 13:00:13 GMT 0800 (Taipei Standard Time) 转换为 python 日期类型对象的正确格式是什么?

我尝试了这个 question 的答案,但它对我不起作用:

date1 = datetime.strptime(strDate1, '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')

ValueError: time data 'Tue Jan 10 2017 13:00:13 GMT 0800 (Taipei Standard Time)' does not match format '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p'


 import pytz

 date1=datetime.strptime('Tue Jan 10 2017 13:00:13', '%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S')

名义上您可能希望能够使用 %z(小写 z)来转换 TZ 偏移量,但是对此的支持很粗略。所以你可以自己动手做:

import datetime as dt
import re
PARSE_TIMESTAMP = re.compile('(.*) ([+-]?\d+) \(.*\)$')

def my_datetime_parse(timestamp):
    ''' return a naive datetime relative to UTC '''

    # find the standard time stamp, and the TZ offset and remove extra end
    matches = PARSE_TIMESTAMP.match(timestamp).groups()

    # convert the timestamp element
    timestamp = dt.datetime.strptime(matches[0], '%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')

    # calculate the timezone offset
    tz_offset = matches[1]
    sign = '+'
    if tz_offset[0] in '-+':
        sign = tz_offset[0]
        tz_offset = tz_offset[1:]
    tz_offset += '0' * (4 - len(tz_offset))
    minutes = int(tz_offset[0:2]) * 60 + int(tz_offset[2:])
    if sign == '-':
        minutes = -minutes

    # add the timezone offset to our time
    timestamp += dt.timedelta(minutes=minutes)
    return timestamp

date_string = 'Tue Jan 10 2017 13:00:13 GMT +0800 (Taipei Standard Time)'


2017-01-10 21:00:13

代码删除了 (Taipei Standard Time),因为它与 +0800 是多余的。