
Expand the linked list column in OrientDb

使用 Orient db 2.1.12(DocumentDB) version.Facing 在扩展链表列时出现问题。 我的 orientdb 查询结果:

    "result": [
            "@type": "d",
            "@rid": "#28:0",
            "@version": 7,
            "@class": "testSuite",
            "testSuiteName": "web",
            "testCaseLink": [
            "testingType": "Web",
            "@fieldTypes": "testCaseLink=z"
    "notification": "Query executed in 0.061 sec. Returned 1 record(s)"

testCaseLink 是一个 属性 链表,其值与用于获取上述结果的另一个 class.The 查询相同 select * from testSuite 预期输出:

    "result": [
            "@type": "d",
            "@rid": "#28:0",
            "@version": 7,
            "@class": "testSuite",
            "testSuiteName": "web",
            "testCaseLink": [
                    "@type": "d",
                    "@rid": "#20:0",
                    "@version": 5,
                    "@class": "testCase",
                    "name": "testForBAsu",
                    "uiJson": "#18:0",
                    "testcaseType": "webWithCsv",
                    "isEdited": false,
                    "isDeleted": false,
                    "childtestCaseLink": [
                    "@fieldTypes": "uiJson=x,childtestCaseLink=z"
                    "@type": "d",
                    "@rid": "#20:1",
                    "@version": 6,
                    "@class": "testCase",
                    "name": "success",
                    "uiJson": "#18:1",
                    "testcaseType": "WebWithoutCsv",
                    "isEdited": true,
                    "isDeleted": false,
                    "eeJson": "#19:0",
                    "parentTestCaseLink": null,
                    "@fieldTypes": "uiJson=x,eeJson=x,parentTestCaseLink=x"
            "testingType": "Web",
            "@fieldTypes": "testCaseLink=z"
    "notification": "Query executed in 0.061 sec. Returned 1 record(s)"

需要展开列表中的 rid。 累 select testSuiteName,testingType,Expand(testCaseLink) from testSuite where testSuiteName='web'

但是查询只扩展了 testCaseLink.Note:testCaseLink contains rid of different class


select from testSuite FETCHPLAN *:1

查看 documentation 了解更多信息。


select 来自 testSuite FETCHPLAN *:1