bash 脚本中的一些文档定界符被跳过

Some of my here doc delimiters in bash script getting skipped

对脚本编写非常陌生。通过 Shotts 的 "The Linux Command Line" 我的工作方式。

我一直 运行 遇到一个问题,这里的一些文档分隔符被跳过了。

我目前已将 report_uptime 和 report_disk_space 注释掉,但是当我取消注释它们时,我的 Here doc 分隔符被跳过了。



# Program to output a system information page

##### Constants

TITLE="System Information Report For $HOSTNAME"
CURRENT_TIME=$(date +"%x %r %Z")

##### Functions

report_uptime () {
    cat <<- _EOF_
        <H2>System Uptime</H2>

#report_disk_space () {
#   cat <<- _EOF_   
#       <H2>Disk Space Utilization</H2>
#       <PRE>$(df -h)</PRE>
#       _EOF_   
#   return

#report_home_space () {
#   cat <<- _EOF_
#       <H2>Home Space Utilization</H2>
#       <PRE>$(du -sh /home/*)</PRE>
#       _EOF_       
#   return

##### HTML code

cat << _EOF_


Bash 手册页说明了此处文档的内容(强调已添加):

This type of redirection instructs the shell to read input from the current source until a line containing only [the delimiter] (with no trailing blanks) is seen. All of the lines read up to that point are then used as the standard input for a command.


If the redirection operator is <<-, then all leading tab characters are stripped from input lines and the line containing [the delimiter].
