创建 class 并使用 FakeItEasy 自动初始化依赖项

Create class and auto-initialize dependencies with FakeItEasy

是否可以使用 FakeItEasy 创建一个 class 被测对象,其中在构造函数中声明的所有依赖项都自动使用 fakes 初始化?

想象一下 class:

public class Inserting
    public Inserting(
        ITransactionService transactionService,
        ISharedData sharedData)
        TransactionService = transactionService;
        SharedData = sharedData;

    public ITransactionService TransactionService { get; }

    public ISharedData SharedData { get; }

    public void Enter()

然后我在测试设置中创建所有假对象,并用这些假对象构建我的 class 待测对象:

public class InsertingTest
    private Inserting _inserting;
    private ISharedData _fakeSharedData;
    private ITransactionService _fakeTransactionService;        

    public void SetUp()
        _fakeTransactionService = A.Fake<ITransactionService>();
        _fakeSharedData = A.Fake<ISharedData>();

        _inserting = new Inserting(_fakeTransactionService, _fakeSharedData);

    public void TestEnter()
        // Arrange

        // Act

        // Assert
        A.CallTo(() => _fakeTransactionService.StartTransaction().MustHaveHappened();

但我在 Java-world 中看到,当使用 Mockito 和 Dagger 2 时,你可以这样做:

public class PhoneDialer {
    private Activity activity;
    private PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener;

    public PhoneDialer(Activity activity, PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener) {
        this.activity = activity;
        this.phoneCallListener = phoneCallListener;

public class PhoneDialerTest {
    public MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule();

    PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener;

    Activity activity;

    PhoneDialer dialer;

    public void test_dialer() throws Exception {
        // Arrange

        // Act

        // Assert
        Mockito.verify(phoneCallListener, times(1)).startCall();

和模拟的 classes 会自动用假货初始化。在 C# 中是否有与 FakeItEasy 等效的过程或函数?

我想你想要类似的东西 Automatically inject fakes in test fixture with FakeItEasy。您使用 [Fake] 标记要注入的假货,并使用 [UnderTest] 标记要测试的生产类型。



我看到了 'Automatically inject fakes in text fixture with FakeItEasy',我最初的反应是惊讶它与我的预想不同,主要是因为它需要 'intrusive' 改变测试代码的属性......但也许这是反应过度。

FakeAttribute 和 UnderTestAttribute 确实对您的测试(和系统)设计施加了潜在的良好结构约束...



您可以使用 Autofac 的注册源执行类似的操作。

using Autofac;
using Autofac.Core;
using Autofac.Core.Activators.Delegate;
using Autofac.Core.Lifetime;
using Autofac.Core.Registration;
using FakeItEasy;
using Xunit;

    public interface IDependOnSomething { }
    public class IImplementThat : IDependOnSomething { }

    public class CanIResolveIt
        public CanIResolveIt(IDependOnSomething it)

    public class FakeRegistrationSourceTest
        public void BasicTest()
            var container = new ContainerBuilder();
            container.RegisterSource(new FakeRegistrationSource<CanIResolveIt>());
            var c = container.Build();
            var theFake = c.Resolve<CanIResolveIt>();

    public class FakeRegistrationSource<T> : IRegistrationSource
        where T : class
        public bool IsAdapterForIndividualComponents => false;

        public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func<Service, IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
            var swt = service as IServiceWithType;
            if (swt == null || !typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(swt.ServiceType)) // TODO: is this the right way around?
                return Enumerable.Empty<IComponentRegistration>();

            var registration = new ComponentRegistration(
              new DelegateActivator(swt.ServiceType, (context, @params) =>
                  List<object> v = new List<object>();
                  foreach (ParameterInfo p in typeof(T).GetConstructors().Single().GetParameters())

                  return A.Fake<T>(that => that.CallsBaseMethods().WithArgumentsForConstructor(v));
              new CurrentScopeLifetime(),
              new[] { service },
              new Dictionary<string, object>());

            return new IComponentRegistration[] { registration };


一个明显的缺点是每次你想要伪造的东西时都要显式注册。 AutoFake 等提供了通过默认伪造几乎所有内容来克服这个问题的方法,这很可能是您想要的......如果不是,您可以覆盖它。]