在 Haskell 上枚举总和和产品类型的通用算法?
Generic algorithm to enumerate sum and product types on Haskell?
前段时间,我问过how to map back and forth from godel numbers to terms of a context-free language。虽然答案专门解决了这个问题,但我在实际编程时遇到了问题。所以,这个问题更通用:给定一个递归代数数据类型,包含终结符、总和和乘积——例如
data Term = Prod Term Term | SumL Term | SumR Term | AtomA | AtomB
data Foo = A | B Foo | C Foo deriving Show
to :: Foo -> Int
to A = 1
to (B x) = to x * 2
to (C x) = to x * 2 + 1
from :: Int -> Foo
from 1 = A
from n = case mod n 2 of
0 -> B (from (div n 2))
1 -> C (from (div n 2))
和 from
为 Foo
为了避免处理特定的 Goedel 编号,让我们定义一个 class 来抽象必要的操作(我们稍后需要一些导入):
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts, DeriveGeneric #-}
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
class GodelNum a where
fromInt :: Integer -> a
toInt :: a -> Maybe Integer
encode :: [a] -> a
decode :: a -> [a]
所以我们可以注入自然数并对序列进行编码。让我们进一步创建这个 class 的规范实例,它将在整个代码中使用,它没有真正的 Goedel 编码,只是构建一个术语树。
data TermNum = Value Integer | Complex [TermNum]
deriving (Show)
instance GodelNum TermNum where
fromInt = Value
toInt (Value x) = Just x
toInt _ = Nothing
encode = Complex
decode (Complex xs) = xs
decode _ = []
对于真正的编码,我们将使用另一种只使用一个 Integer
的实现,例如 newtype SomeGoedelNumbering = SGN Integer
让我们进一步创建一个 class 类型,我们可以 encode/decode:
class GNum a where
gto :: (GodelNum g) => a -> g
gfrom :: (GodelNum g) => g -> Maybe a
default gto :: (Generic a, GodelNum g, GGNum (Rep a)) => a -> g
gto = ggto . from
default gfrom :: (Generic a, GodelNum g, GGNum (Rep a)) => g -> Maybe a
gfrom = liftA to . ggfrom
最后四行使用 GHC Generics 和 DefaultSignatures
定义了 gto
和 gfrom
的通用实现。他们使用的 class GGNum
是一个助手 class,我们将使用它来定义原子 ADT 操作的编码——产品、总和等:
class GGNum f where
ggto :: (GodelNum g) => f a -> g
ggfrom :: (GodelNum g) => g -> Maybe (f a)
-- no-arg constructors
instance GGNum U1 where
ggto U1 = encode []
ggfrom _ = Just U1
-- products
instance (GGNum a, GGNum b) => GGNum (a :*: b) where
ggto (a :*: b) = encode [ggto a, ggto b]
ggfrom e | [x, y] <- decode e = liftA2 (:*:) (ggfrom x) (ggfrom y)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- sums
instance (GGNum a, GGNum b) => GGNum (a :+: b) where
ggto (L1 x) = encode [fromInt 0, ggto x]
ggto (R1 y) = encode [fromInt 1, ggto y]
ggfrom e | [n, x] <- decode e = case toInt n of
Just 0 -> L1 <$> ggfrom x
Just 1 -> R1 <$> ggfrom x
_ -> Nothing
-- metadata
instance (GGNum a) => GGNum (M1 i c a) where
ggto (M1 x) = ggto x
ggfrom e = M1 <$> ggfrom e
-- constants and recursion of kind *
instance (GNum a) => GGNum (K1 i a) where
ggto (K1 x) = gto x
ggfrom e = K1 <$> gfrom e
有了这个,我们就可以定义一个像你的数据类型,只需声明它的 GNum
data Term = Prod Term Term | SumL Term | SumR Term | AtomA | AtomB
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance GNum Term where
为了确保我们所做的一切都是正确的,让我们使用 QuickCheck 来验证我们的 gfrom
是 gto
instance Arbitrary Term where
arbitrary = oneof [ return AtomA
, return AtomB
, SumL <$> arbitrary
, SumR <$> arbitrary
, Prod <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
prop_enc_dec :: Term -> Property
prop_enc_dec x = Just x === gfrom (gto x :: TermNum)
main :: IO ()
main = quickCheck prop_enc_dec
- 同样的事情可以使用 Scrap Your Boilerplate 完成,也许更有效,因为它允许更高级别的访问 - 枚举构造函数和记录等。
- 另见论文 Efficient Bijective G¨odel Numberings for Term Algebras(我还没有读过这篇论文,但似乎相关)。
为了好玩,我决定尝试您发布的 link 中的方法,并且没有卡在任何地方。所以这是我的代码,没有注释(解释和上次一样)。首先,从其他答案中窃取的代码:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Universe.Helpers
type Nat = Integer
class Godel a where
to :: a -> Nat
from :: Nat -> a
instance Godel Nat where to = id; from = id
instance (Godel a, Godel b) => Godel (a, b) where
to (m_, n_) = (m + n) * (m + n + 1) `quot` 2 + m where
m = to m_
n = to n_
from p = (from m, from n) where
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
base = (isqrt (1 + 8 * p) - 1) `quot` 2
triangle = base * (base + 1) `quot` 2
m = p - triangle
n = base - m
data Term = Prod Term Term | SumL Term | SumR Term | AtomA | AtomB
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
ts = AtomA : AtomB : interleave [uncurry Prod <$> ts +*+ ts, SumL <$> ts, SumR <$> ts]
instance Godel Term where
to AtomA = 0
to AtomB = 1
to (Prod t1 t2) = 2 + 0 + 3 * to (t1, t2)
to (SumL t) = 2 + 1 + 3 * to t
to (SumR t) = 2 + 2 + 3 * to t
from 0 = AtomA
from 1 = AtomB
from n = case quotRem (n-2) 3 of
(q, 0) -> uncurry Prod (from q)
(q, 1) -> SumL (from q)
(q, 2) -> SumR (from q)
*Main> take 30 (map from [0..]) == take 30 ts
前段时间,我问过how to map back and forth from godel numbers to terms of a context-free language。虽然答案专门解决了这个问题,但我在实际编程时遇到了问题。所以,这个问题更通用:给定一个递归代数数据类型,包含终结符、总和和乘积——例如
data Term = Prod Term Term | SumL Term | SumR Term | AtomA | AtomB
data Foo = A | B Foo | C Foo deriving Show
to :: Foo -> Int
to A = 1
to (B x) = to x * 2
to (C x) = to x * 2 + 1
from :: Int -> Foo
from 1 = A
from n = case mod n 2 of
0 -> B (from (div n 2))
1 -> C (from (div n 2))
和 from
为 Foo
为了避免处理特定的 Goedel 编号,让我们定义一个 class 来抽象必要的操作(我们稍后需要一些导入):
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts, DeriveGeneric #-}
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
class GodelNum a where
fromInt :: Integer -> a
toInt :: a -> Maybe Integer
encode :: [a] -> a
decode :: a -> [a]
所以我们可以注入自然数并对序列进行编码。让我们进一步创建这个 class 的规范实例,它将在整个代码中使用,它没有真正的 Goedel 编码,只是构建一个术语树。
data TermNum = Value Integer | Complex [TermNum]
deriving (Show)
instance GodelNum TermNum where
fromInt = Value
toInt (Value x) = Just x
toInt _ = Nothing
encode = Complex
decode (Complex xs) = xs
decode _ = []
对于真正的编码,我们将使用另一种只使用一个 Integer
的实现,例如 newtype SomeGoedelNumbering = SGN Integer
让我们进一步创建一个 class 类型,我们可以 encode/decode:
class GNum a where
gto :: (GodelNum g) => a -> g
gfrom :: (GodelNum g) => g -> Maybe a
default gto :: (Generic a, GodelNum g, GGNum (Rep a)) => a -> g
gto = ggto . from
default gfrom :: (Generic a, GodelNum g, GGNum (Rep a)) => g -> Maybe a
gfrom = liftA to . ggfrom
最后四行使用 GHC Generics 和 DefaultSignatures
定义了 gto
和 gfrom
的通用实现。他们使用的 class GGNum
是一个助手 class,我们将使用它来定义原子 ADT 操作的编码——产品、总和等:
class GGNum f where
ggto :: (GodelNum g) => f a -> g
ggfrom :: (GodelNum g) => g -> Maybe (f a)
-- no-arg constructors
instance GGNum U1 where
ggto U1 = encode []
ggfrom _ = Just U1
-- products
instance (GGNum a, GGNum b) => GGNum (a :*: b) where
ggto (a :*: b) = encode [ggto a, ggto b]
ggfrom e | [x, y] <- decode e = liftA2 (:*:) (ggfrom x) (ggfrom y)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- sums
instance (GGNum a, GGNum b) => GGNum (a :+: b) where
ggto (L1 x) = encode [fromInt 0, ggto x]
ggto (R1 y) = encode [fromInt 1, ggto y]
ggfrom e | [n, x] <- decode e = case toInt n of
Just 0 -> L1 <$> ggfrom x
Just 1 -> R1 <$> ggfrom x
_ -> Nothing
-- metadata
instance (GGNum a) => GGNum (M1 i c a) where
ggto (M1 x) = ggto x
ggfrom e = M1 <$> ggfrom e
-- constants and recursion of kind *
instance (GNum a) => GGNum (K1 i a) where
ggto (K1 x) = gto x
ggfrom e = K1 <$> gfrom e
有了这个,我们就可以定义一个像你的数据类型,只需声明它的 GNum
data Term = Prod Term Term | SumL Term | SumR Term | AtomA | AtomB
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance GNum Term where
为了确保我们所做的一切都是正确的,让我们使用 QuickCheck 来验证我们的 gfrom
是 gto
instance Arbitrary Term where
arbitrary = oneof [ return AtomA
, return AtomB
, SumL <$> arbitrary
, SumR <$> arbitrary
, Prod <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
prop_enc_dec :: Term -> Property
prop_enc_dec x = Just x === gfrom (gto x :: TermNum)
main :: IO ()
main = quickCheck prop_enc_dec
- 同样的事情可以使用 Scrap Your Boilerplate 完成,也许更有效,因为它允许更高级别的访问 - 枚举构造函数和记录等。
- 另见论文 Efficient Bijective G¨odel Numberings for Term Algebras(我还没有读过这篇论文,但似乎相关)。
为了好玩,我决定尝试您发布的 link 中的方法,并且没有卡在任何地方。所以这是我的代码,没有注释(解释和上次一样)。首先,从其他答案中窃取的代码:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Universe.Helpers
type Nat = Integer
class Godel a where
to :: a -> Nat
from :: Nat -> a
instance Godel Nat where to = id; from = id
instance (Godel a, Godel b) => Godel (a, b) where
to (m_, n_) = (m + n) * (m + n + 1) `quot` 2 + m where
m = to m_
n = to n_
from p = (from m, from n) where
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
base = (isqrt (1 + 8 * p) - 1) `quot` 2
triangle = base * (base + 1) `quot` 2
m = p - triangle
n = base - m
data Term = Prod Term Term | SumL Term | SumR Term | AtomA | AtomB
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
ts = AtomA : AtomB : interleave [uncurry Prod <$> ts +*+ ts, SumL <$> ts, SumR <$> ts]
instance Godel Term where
to AtomA = 0
to AtomB = 1
to (Prod t1 t2) = 2 + 0 + 3 * to (t1, t2)
to (SumL t) = 2 + 1 + 3 * to t
to (SumR t) = 2 + 2 + 3 * to t
from 0 = AtomA
from 1 = AtomB
from n = case quotRem (n-2) 3 of
(q, 0) -> uncurry Prod (from q)
(q, 1) -> SumL (from q)
(q, 2) -> SumR (from q)
*Main> take 30 (map from [0..]) == take 30 ts