测试调用 returns 承诺的函数的函数

Testing a function that calls a function that returns a promise


sut.methodtotest = param => {
    return dependency.methodcall(param)
        .then((results) => {
            return results;

我想测试 sut.methodtotest,但是当我使用 chai、mocha、require、sinon 和 Javascript 社区可以使用的许多其他框架时,我收到一条错误消息:

dependency.methodcall(...).then is not a function

我的问题是:如何模拟 dependency.methodcall 以便它 returns 一些模拟数据并使 'then' 函数可用?


describe("my module", function() {
    describe("when calling my function", function() {

        var dependency =  require("dependency");

        var sut =  proxyquire("sut", {...});


        it("should pass", function() {



var sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
var toTest = require('../src/somemodule');

describe('Some tests', function() {
  //Stub the function before each it block is run
  beforeEach(function() {
    sandbox.stub(toTest, 'someFunction', function() {
      //you can include something in the brackets to resolve a value 
      return Promise.resolve();  
  //reset the sandbox after each test
  afterEach(function() {
  it('should test', function() {
    return toTest.someFunction().then(() => {
      //assert some stuff                                  

您应该 return 在 then 块中断言,例如chai:

return toTest.someFunction().then((result) => {
    return expect(result).to.equal(expected);                


我正在使用 jasmine spies 来实现:

beforeEach(function() {
    //stub dictionary service
    dictionaryService = {
        get: jasmine.createSpy().and.callFake(function() {
            return { then: function(callback) {
                return callback(/*mocked data*/);
            } };

it('should call dictionary service to get data', function () {
    expect(dictionaryService.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(/*check mocked data*/);